Chapter 6

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"Stacie, are you ok?" Suddenly I heard Amy's voice. What was she doing here though. I thought I was the only one

"Amy? Yes I'm fine." I quickly wiped my tears so Amy wouldn't see but unfortunately my makeup was also ruined by tears, so now I looked ridiculous

"Wait, are you crying?!" Amy was so loud that she attracted people to stare at us, including Donald. I was so embarrassed I just ran away. I couldn't think of anything but Donald. What would he think? Would he look down on me? Would he laugh on me? I don't know whether I was overthinking it but everything felt like hell to me.

Finally I stopped at the school's backyard. I sat down on the grass and cried. I could tell that I looked so pitiful. It was my fault for all this to happen. If I didn't make that call...this wouldn't happen.

"It wasn't exactly like what you saw." I wiped my tears as soon as I heard Donald's voice. I didn't feel like talking to him, at least not right now. I stayed quiet, didn't even look at him

Donald walked closer and sat down next to me. He wiped the tears on my face with his palm, explained what really happened.

"Bumper came to my room, forced me to join the party to be his wingman. That's why I was talking to her, there was nothing more." For once I felt thankful that I listened instead of running away. I might overthink, it wasn't a really big deal. I didn't know why I cried. Was it because I really loved him that bad?...

I soon felt Donald hands lifting my face, we were soon drowned into a deep kiss. This time it was rather wild. Our lips continued rubbing against one another, he hugged me tight.

"Stacie, I love you." Donald broke the kiss and whispered to my ear. I could feel joy flooding through me. It was the first time he ever said he loved me. I felt so touched and somehow I began crying. He let me buried my face with full of tears to his chest, his shirt was wet due to my tears but he just didn't seem to care. He just gently pat my back.

"I love you too." I used all the courage I had to say those 4 words. It had been so long since I fell in love with someone. Donald just made me felt love again. We were soon to be kissing again. Donald was such a good kisser.

After that he piggyback me to my room and we would stay there for the night. During the sleep, Donald wouldn't let me stay out of his arms, he hugged me for the whole night, I slept deeply with my face buried in his chest and my body embraced by his arms.

The next morning I woke up with Donald still hugging me, still sleeping. I was facing him, literally examining every single feature on his face. His eyes, his nose, his lips. I wanted to kiss him but in the position he was hugging me, I couldn't really move. I spent five minutes just staring at him, at how perfect he looked

"I didn't know I look good even when sleeping." I got startled when Donald began to talk. I thought he was still asleep.

"So you weren't sleeping huh?" I asked

"I woke up 10 minutes ago, and found you to stare at me like that. What can I do? I can't disturb people enjoying a masterpiece." There he went teasing me again.

"Very funny." I gave him that 'uninterested' look and broke away from the hug.

"Can you do me a favor?" He asked


"Massage my arm. It got numb after hugging you all night long." I didn't know why but I really massaged his arms. It was supposed to be his fault for doing that though. I didn't force him to. "I've practice to day. Get change and I'll bring you to Bellas' practice room."

When he mentioned the Bellas, my brain just rewinded whatever happened yesterday. If I went there, I would be in big trouble

"Anything wrong honey?" Donald seemed to notice the change in my facial expression, he pulled me closer to him and asked

"I don't know what to say if they ask me about what happened yesterday. What if they saw us together? - I said with full of worried. I didn't want to be kicked out of the group...

"For the crying, just tell them there were something flew into your eyes that it hurt really badly. For us being together, just tell them we were together because you dropped something and I just wanted to give it back to you. If anything is wrong, just text me and I'll be there." He kissed me on my forehead lovingly. "I wouldn't mind if we expose our relationship to the public though."

"Just shut up." I hit him on his chest and quickly got dressed. Have I ever mentioned Donald's abs? Cuz it's hot as f*ck! He has such toned, muscular abs that every girl would fall for.

At the Bellas' practice room, everybody was staring at me. It seemed like Fat Amy had told them everything. I smiled involuntarily. It felt so awkward...

"What happened yesterday? Why were you crying." Chloe softly asked me, trying to lower the tension in there

"Oh yesterday? I didn't cry, something flew into my eyes that it hurt so much. I rubbed my eyes pretty hard that time though." I tried to look as cool as possible, not showing any hesitation

"Then why did you run away?" Fat Amy asked... Crap! I didn't think of that!

"Umm... I was scared to show you my face with messy make-up." I quickly thought of excuses and said whatever came to my head

"Seriously?" Aubrey asked doubtfully

"Guys, she's ok now. Can we continue our practice?" Beca just totally saved me from all those interrogation thing, I felt so thankful for her.

We began our practice soon after that. It was as tired as usual, but it was fun being with those girls. Only if Aubrey stopped sticking too much to the tradition. We needed something to shine if we wanted to win the acapella championship. What we did is just re-practicing what the last generations performed!

"Stacie, stay back for a while. I need to talk to you." I let out a small curse when Aubrey said that... It's probably going to be things about Donald again

"I'm here, anything to say? "

"Listen Stacie, I know I can't stop you anymore, so on behalf of the Bellas, I've decided that you can be with Donald, and only I knew about you guys. However, you cannot say a thing about what the Bellas are doing to him or any other Trebles. And you're not allowed to let them look down on us. Keep your image!" Here we go all the conditions for dating... Aubrey needs to get a date to be honest, she's getting old.

"Noted. May I go now?" I answered as simple as possible and quickly went to my room. 

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