Chapter 11

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For the first time Aubrey listened to Beca's ideas, we finally sat together for once and talked about secrets we'd hidden.

"Ok guys, maybe you all know I'm dating Bumper... But after a lot of decisions, Bumper is now my fiancé." Amy said dreamily with her arms around her body

"We all know Jesse and Beca, Amy and Bumper, Stacie and Donald are dating... I'm officially announced that we won't have that oath anymore... Because... I've been crushing over Unicycle for 4 years. But because of that oath I could just keep it as a secret. I've never confessed to him..." Aubrey said as she almost cried. She must had a really hard time keeping that secret to herself. I felt so bad to her. At least Donald and I could stay together and felt love from each other

"Aubrey, we can help you!" I said delightedly. Being with Donald, I had got to know a lot about the Treble, and one of that was that Unicycle did have a thing for Aubrey

"Chillax. We can do anything right after we won the final guys." Lily for once spoke that we could hear her. And we all got shocked

"You're right. We could win this guys!"

I insisted Donald that I wanted to focus on Bellas, and we decided that we would meet only after the Final finished.


The final day, the Treblemakers were a big hit. But we were even better. We changed. Basically everything. During the performance I could see Donald looking at me proudly. He couldn't hide his smile watching me. And the Bellas were the winner! I couldn't hide my happiness and ran straight to Donald as the performance finished. Even Beca. She ran straight to Jesse.

"You did well babe." Donald said and impatiently rubbed his lips against mine. He smelled and looked even sexier after performing hard. We kissed passionately among all the audience. At that time I just didn't care, I just knew that we were together and that was it all. I put my arms around his neck, he brought me closer to him. We just couldn't get a enough of each other.

"Tell the Bellas you are coming back with me and the Trebles. Actually, tell them to come with us. We're throwing a party tonight." Donald broke the kiss and whispered to my ear. He looked proud of me.

I went to gather all the Bellas and we came to the Trebles bus and went to the party together. It was an unforgettable night for the Bellas. It felt like a dream, a dream came true. For once Donald wouldn't stop me from drinking alcohol. He also drunk quite a lot. We drunk and danced until midnight and only went back home after that.

I slept in Donald's arms and unexpectedly woke up at 2 in the morning. Then the bet last week came to my mind. And I thought of teasing Donald a bit.

"Babe, wake up."I shook him hard, trying to make his lazy eyes opened

"Honey, it's 2 in the morning." He yawned as he looked at the clock

"But I'm craving for McDonald. I want Mc spicy." I said, tried hard not to laugh. Mc Donald is 30 minutes from my house. So he would need to spare his one hour of sleeping just to get me a basic a** burger.

"Again it's 2 in the morning." He spoke in a grumpy state

"But you said you gonna do what I want if Bellas won the final. Babe, I'm hungry."

"Goddamnit." I tried my best not to giggle as Donald got change to go. I did feel bad that he needed to wake up at two just for a burger but he was the one who agreed to bet though

~Donald's POV~

Stacie was an irresistible sly fox. I was starting to regret betting with her. And now I'm driving at 2am for a goddamn burger. Even though I'm a pro driver, I don't feel good driving right now. The alcohol was still in me, plus it's 2 in the freaking morning! I drove as quickly as possible to the fast food place I hated the most for having the same name as me 'Donald' and quickly drove back home.

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