All A Fantasy

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When I wake up in the morning, the sheets next to me are warm but Gavin is nowhere is sight. I climb out of bed, walking out to the living room. Gavin's shoes aren't near the door. I open the front door. His car is still here. He is probably down in the bar. I go back to the bedroom, changing into a t-shirt and jeans.  My jeans barely button. Looks like I'm going to need to go shopping for bigger clothes again.
I slip on a pair of flip flops and head down to the bar. Gavin is accepting a delivery when I get down there. I wait until he is done signing and the delivery man leaves before I speak.
"Why did you kiss me?"
"I don't know what you are talking about."
He doesn't even bother looking in my direction as he responds. This only makes me angrier.
"Yes you do. You kissed me at the party last night and I want to know why."
"I was drunk."
"No you weren't."
He looks at the shelves of bottles, jotting notes down on the pad of paper he has in his hands.
"Why aren't you giving me a straight answer?"
"I did. I was drunk and lost control for a moment."
I slam my hand on the bar, making him jump.
"Stop lying to me!"
He stares at me. I join him behind the bar.
"I know what it's like to kiss someone when they are drunk. How do you think this happened?"
I motion down to my stomach.
"Last night, when you kissed me, you were not drunk. You may have been slightly intoxicated but you didn't have enough to impair your judgement."
"You don't know how alcohol effects my body."
I put a finger against his lips. He gives me an unamused look.
"You are lying to me and yourself. All you are doing is burying the truth."
He grabs my wrist moving my hand away from his face. He chuckles, going right back to taking inventory.
"I don't know what little fantasy you are concocting in your head, but I was drunk."
His voice screams truth but his body language screams lying. A voice is easy to control. Body language is harder.
I throw my hands up, exiting the bar area.
"Fine. When you wanna stop lying to yourself come find me. I'll be with Sonny."
I can hear a low grumble come from Gavin but he doesn't move.
I'll get him to tell truth.
One way or another.

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