The Beginning

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P - Psychiatrist

C - Connor of Detroit Become Human.

M - Connor's Mother

F - Connor's Father

P - Good morning, Connor, also known as RK800

C - Good morning, doctor.

P - Now, it's you who is the last one to get hypnosis among all androids here.

C - Is it painful?

P - No, it's not. Its just likes remembering your past as your current name or who you are in the past centuries.

C - Okay, I can't wait to see my past then.

P - Are you ready for this?

C - Of course, bring it on, doctor!

P - Alright! Just close your eyes and never think of anything, understand?

C - Indeed. I'm ready.

P - What can you see over there?

C - I'm like a bright soul and wait I see someone!

P - Tell me who is that person you see.

C - My mother. I miss her so much.

P - What she's been up to this day?

C - She's holding a baby. Tells baby's name as Connor which is me by the way.

P - I'm glad she's a loving care mother to you.

C - Another person has arrived in this room.

P - Who is it?

C - It's supposedly my father? Hmmm... I don't know who he is and what he looks like. But I really do think it's him.

C - Enough! Don't you dare hurt my mother! Nooooo! Huhu... Huhuhu... Huhuhuhu...

P - It's okay Connor It's only you're just in another world. Be strong.

C - How can I be strong? Stop, don't beat her! Please! Leave her alone!

C - Where is he taking my mother? It has traveled me quickly to the clinic. Huh?! What are they doing at the abortion center?

P - What? I think you were in trouble back then. What is she gonna do?

C - I don't wanna know. Mother! Stay away from that clinic! Just... Go home! Don't follow father's order! Huhuhuhu... Huhuhuhu...

P - That's it. I have to stop this.

C - Why do I feel scared? Why do I feel a sudden sharp pain everywhere? AAAaaaRRgggGGHHH! Stop! It hurts! It hurts! I can't take this anymore! AAAAHHH! AaAAAarRGGHH!

P - Calm down, Connor. Is she on that procedure?

C - Not yet, Huhuhuhu... Huhuhu... She's trying to fight against everyone. Mother! Let's go home!

M - My son. I can hear you in my belly.

C - Yes, it's me. Save me from those bad people. You have me as your dearest son. Never lose hope.

M - I'm trying but your father seems to let you go.

C - Am I a bad person to you?

M - Certainly not, you are a good and polite child to me. Maybe I tell him the way around.

F - Do you want to abort that curse baby or will I leave you forever?

C - Father! It's you who have to leave! AAAAHHH! It hurts! Why does it keep on hurting me?! AAAARrggHH! Mother, you have to stop this! Please, it's unbearable!

M - I love you, my son.

C - No... it changes the scenario. I'm still talking to her. Where did she go?

P - You may see what's next. I hope it's getting better this time.

M - Good afternoon, my dearest son.

C - I'm still a baby on a basket covered with a white blanket and rest on those soft pillows. Mother, I love you so much. I'm sorry for my rebellion and foolishness. I promise I will become a better son for you.

M - You're still my child. I also do love you but your father rather wants you to be taken away from his family. I'm sorry if I let you down today.

C - Where are you going to put me?

M - Someplace where you are safe.

C - Huhuhuu... Huhuhuhu... Are you leaving me again, my mother? Are you not contented to let me stay beside you? I need you the most than anyone there!

M - I'm sorry but this is the only way. We are here at the orphanage. They will ever take care of you.

C - Would you come back after I grow up?

M - Absolutely, with all my loving and care. At this moment, I want you to meet some new fellow friends here.

C - Mother?

M - Yes, my son?

C - When you're home, pack up your bags and leave that vile house immediately. You're not safe by my father's tyranny.

M - At least you won't get the hurt that I always have through all these years of beatings.

C - Mother? That's unforgivable! How dare he do that to you?! You're not compatible with each other. It's time to have your own decision though.

M - I can't. Well, I promise with my whole life that your father won't ever approach you or even dare to beat you. Goodbye, my son.

C - Where are you going? Don't leave me here! Mother! Mother! AAAaAAaaHhHH! Huhuhuhu... Huhuhuhuhu... Huhuhu...

M - It's for the better, Connor. This is only I can do for your safety. I'm really really sorry.

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