The Experiment

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P - Psychiatrist

C - Connor of Detroit Become Human

B - Bryan Dechart

K - Markus Of North

S - Markus' soldiers

C - The scene changes again. This time I am at the Android Facility.

P - Well, you have more friends now.

C - No, doctor. They have been sent on a laboratory for a scientific experiment.

P - This is no good.

C - Why all of a sudden?

P - If some of them fail the test, then they were thrown out to the junkyard.

C - Do you know where's the switch to turn this machine off?

P - Tell Bryan since he's your creator. He may able to stop this execution once and for all.

C - Thank you kindly for your consideration. I may tell him right away.

C - Bryan? Can you help me pull down the switch over there?

B - I will try my best though. 

C - I see you're getting old since you take care of me as a child.

B - Hahahaha. I'm not that old yet. I have a new name just for me.

C - What is it, my brother?

B - You may call me now as Hank. You see, I have a white beard and mustache after years of searching for new things.

C - Should I call you Dad then?

B - If you may do so, that's totally understandable. Indeed, you should call me when I'm this old. Except I'm not like you who remains here forever in this human world.

C - I see. Who will take care of me after your passing?

B - Oh, please. Connor. I'm not going to die yet. Too far away. There are more years I still have to teach you a bunch of policies in becoming a stable Android.

C - Therefore, I'm on my own. No one else?

B - Exactly. I just want you to be with someone like you or any human being who doesn't betray you for their own good.

C - I understand.

B - You understand what?

C - That you're gonna die soon enough.

B - Sigh! Forget about death. Let's go!

C - I only die brutally once.

B - I know. It's all in the past now.

B - Alright. Deactivate a program on that computer until the process stops. I hope it will be easy for you. 

C - I can do this. Fight for freedom!

K - Look what we have here?

C - aAAAArrggHH! *He gets choked and being slammed directly on the floor* Who are you?!

K - Me? I'm Markus from the North. What are you doing in my facility?

B - You're killing innocent Androids. You have to stop this!

K - I don't know you two. Hmmmmm... I sense a valuable treasure on this one. Soldiers?! Take this Android to the experiment area. We will get his knowledge, abilities, and features with lots of information that may able to use against the humanity.

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