The Ending

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C - Connor of Detroit Become Human

B - Bryan Dechart

B - Wake up, Connor!

C - Urgh! Where am I? Is this the reality my mother had said to me?

B - What are you talking about? This is our world!

C - I see. Where is Markus?

B - Oh! That ruckus. He's escaped. I have a company in our league though.

C - What are we gonna do now?

B - Ahm...  I don't know.

C - I have a plan. We should destroy the source of Android which is in your factory.

B - How about you? I won't let you do that!

C - But that's the only way in a robots' self-destruction.

C - Hahaha! Do you think I'll be one of them? Relax. *pat his back*

B - I created you so there's maybe a possibility you get wrecked too. We should get inside this vehicle.

B - Indeed. Time to end this.

*they have arrived back to Bryan's factory*

B - I need your access to open the program on my computer.

C - *operation takes minutes until it's activated* There. *power on* Yas! 

B - Will you press the Enter button to put an end of all Androids?

C - This is the mission that I must accomplish.

B - You may change your decision if you want to.

C - Sorry. It's final. *press enter* *all of Androids have deactivated including himself*

B - Liar! Why do you leave me? Huhuhu... Huhuhu... *embrace him* To be honest, I'm your real father. I want to change my name into Hank just to protect you.

C - Woooh! I thought I'll be dead. *look at him* *heard his confession* *confuse* Are you really my father?

B - *get surprised* What the heck! *back away* You scared me, my son. Of course, I am. No lies!

C - Dad! *hug* I miss you so much! But why you took so long? You let me die. I hate you.

B - Duh! Sorry. Your stepfather is insanely strong. Our battle would be useless because he's the winner. Well, I kill his close call weakness after your gruesome death. A burning rage of our own boiling blood. Hahahaha!

C - Alright. Apology accepted. *stomach heard of hunger* I'm hungry. Do we have something to eat for dinner?

B - Indeed. I have a grilled steak with orange juice for the two of us. *accompany him to own house*

C - Really? My appetite will fill my stomach later. *smile* I love you Dad!

B - I love you too, my dearest son.

C - *hold temple of the head* *a sharp pain caused by a severe headache* *drops on the floor unconscious* *all erased data inside his body leads him to forget everything in a few seconds* *stop* *look at him* Who am I? Why am I in this place?

B - *scratch forehead* *sigh* You have been formatted immediately after the final hypnosis. I guess you should continue your life with me.

C - So I'm an Android then?

B - Luckily, you're right. A man-made human machine. A gift from the creator myself.

B - I think it's the best for him to leave his past. Move on his another life.

B - *smile* I'm your Dad.

C - Dad? I don't have a father.

B - Woah! *confuse* *ruffle the hair* I'm not before but tonight up to my entire life. Call me Dad.

C - Okay. You ask for it. *hug* *smile* Dad...

B - What?

C - Please take care of me from now on.

B - Sure, I'm your creator.

C - *release* *look at own self* I'm only a junk.  *sad* 

B - No. No. You're unique and powerful than anyone else in this world.

C - Aaaw! Thank you. You're the best Dad ever.

B - You're welcome. Let's go home.

*Connor's memories of her mother including his life before as a human being are gone. Until his cyberlife on the last time of a battle is totally wiped out in eternity. Whereas humans start to accept him now as the only human Android in this world*


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