chapter five

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The strangers Chappy 5

Jacob P.o.V

FUCK *mentally punches a wall* why can't i do anything right for once? i got shot in the arm. Then love of my life is in the ER possibly DEAD! and it's all because of that bastard MARSHALL. WHY DAMN IT *punches another wall* all i wanted to do was protect her, now look at me. it's all my fa-"Just know....that it's not your fault...okay? tried your best." i keep hearing that sentence but its hard not to believe its my fault. i couldve been the one to protect her from that bullet. but i couldn't. It should've been me...It should've been me.

Kia P.o.V

What?...oh its my turn to talk? ....Oh alright. WHAT UP PEOPLE.....wait you want me to talk about how i got here? oh alright. whelp my name's Kia, im fifteen, i was coming down from my trip to cali to see kayla when i heard she got shot. I THOUGHT THAT WAS THE REASON SHE MOVED?!?! but uhh anyways i rushed to the hospital they said she was at and everybody was histerical. When i heard who did i was just as mad as JACOB! yep i know them, we went to elemmentry school together. but uhh anyways, while we were in the farm house....wait....oh yeah the hospital! while we were in the hospital that MARSHALL NIGGA came up in here all rude and shit. then Jacob charged at him and marshall shot him in the arm. i was GONNA do somethin' but he had a gun so yeah. so now we're sittin here waitin on the doctors to come back with the news about kayla....AND JACOB cause you know he all shot too so yeah. 25 minutes later the doctor came in. "Family of Kayla mccalebb?"

Kayla P.o.V

i woke up with a light in my face, as my eyes dialated I was in a hospital bed. i rejoiced in my head. the doctor walked in and i pretended i was alseep. "now come on you two." i opened my eyes ever so slightly to see who it was. it was jacob ,with a cast on his arm, and lyric. "the rest of you can have a seat in the hallway." the doctor said as he exited the room. "kayla?" i heard jacob call out. he looked terrible.his hair looked like he had been tugging at it when he's stressfull. he had bags under his eyes, like he hadn't slept for days. you could still see the dried up tears on his face. he began to speak. "kayla if you can hear me..i want you to know that i .. i love you.. and i need you. i dont know what i would do if i lost you." he smiled and began to sing too, "cause i'll give you allll of me.. if you me aallllll of you ooohhh." this was our favorite song as kids. i opened my eyes and began to sing with him.We both harmonized as he grabbed my hands and kissed me. At that very moment was the best moment of my life. there were sparks and fireworks everywhere. he pulled away and i smiled. "awe" lyric said wiping her fake tears. "that was beautiful!" we both laughed, as lyric went to go get the others we began to talk. "So do you really love me?" "of course why would i lie? I don't know what i wouldve done if you left me. i was so mad at myself because you were hurt. i just kep saying that it shouldve been me who took that bullet.. because i still wouldve known you'd be safe. and yes i know what you said but it was just so hard for me to see you like that." he let the tears fall and pulled his head on my shoulder and rubbed his back. " No no i completely understand. i wouldn't let anyone hurt you either." "i just." i cut him off, "no shh no more words." he pulled his head back and looked me in the eyes. he began to lean in and so did I. we were inches apart until. "AAAHEEM" Kia interrupted us as i let go of his neck and blushed. "sorry." we both said. "Now that your okay...," she looked at my mom and dad before saying, "WHATUP GUURRRRL! LONG TIME NO SEE!" i know what she was actually saying and i laughed. " i miss you too kia." my dad came up to me and kissed my forehead. "glad your okay baby girl" "thanks dad." after everyone was ensured that i was okay, the doctor walked in,"kayla your gonna be just fine, the bullet didn't hit any major organs so we were able to remove the bullet. you will be able to go tomorrow." "thanks doc." he then walked out the room. then i remembered. the shirt! "Oh! Jacob! i got chu a shirt! this maybe the wrong time but yeah here." i reached over the side of my bed and pulled up the hot topic bag. he opened it up." thanks kayla." he chuckled. " yeah i saw you looking at that shirt for like an hour." "oh yeah," he scratched his neck nervously. We were all talking laughing and joking around until visiting hours were over. the doctor came in again, " i'm sorry guys but only one person can stay with her." we all looked at Jacob, "who me?! yeah i'll stay." they all said their goodbye's and left the room. Me and Jacob got to talking for hours. We caught up, joked around, and really grown closer. Jacob started to yawn and so did I. "come sleep with me." i said moving over in the big hospital bed. He climbed under the cover, rapped his arms ....well arm around me, and laid his head on my chest. i love this boy.

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