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life is not so great rn :(

@kendallanderson aw bby whats wrong

@kendallanderson ily :(

@kendallanderson ur strong i believe in u




what's wrong

i saw your tweet


come on you can talk
to me about anything babe

i just found out my
roommate is moving out
bc her mom has cancer
so she has to go home and
take care of her

i'm so sorry to hear
that :(

it's just that now i have
to find a new place as fast
as i can bc i can't pay rent
by myself

it's just a lot of work to
move u know?

maybe u can find a new

roy? ;)

lol yeah no

wait what

did something happen
between you and roy?

i don't fucking know
what's going on between us

we're always fighting
about this one stupid thing
and neither of us want to
talk about it or let go of
it either and it's slowly
ruining our relationship

to most people it's not
even a big deal so idk why
we both care so much anymore.

kendall im so sorry :(

what is it?

u don't need to talk
about it if u dont want to
[read 11:18 PM]



i hesitated and contemplated whether i wanted to tell emma about the whole situation. she's one of my best friends but i was in the mood to talk about it because it meant i would have to recall all of those horrible memories that both roy and i have been trying to suppress.

earlier, i decided to not upload my video that i filmed with roy. usually, i loved to be transparent and real with my viewers. however, the video felt far too personal to be put out on the internet nonchalantly. there would be so many questions and no explanations.

i was about to type out my answer to emma when i received a phone call from roy. wow, speak of the devil.




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