The Oak Tree

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Can't tell the age here, I'm guessing first or second grade??? BTW I was obsessed with the Legend of Zelda, so there you go. If anyone cares about these, I promise I will go through my old yearbooks (we used to have a writing and poetry yearbook at my elementary school) and post those lil gems too. Mod milo is in bold in case you need translation.

A long time ago thar {there} was a tree.

It wanted to tell a story. 

So it telled {told} this story. 

Thar was a boy named Link he was runing {running?} becase evil people were chaseing him. 

And he went into the oaktree. 

The oak tree is magicel so he was transported {I'm impressed I spelled that right} to a littel vilege {yung milo can spelled transported but not "little or village"} with no parints. {milo utopia = no parents I guess, this is some Jimmy Neutron bullshit}

Link looked dawn {down} at his cloues {clothes, but that's hard to spell anyway} he did not have on grean cloues {green clothes} and a dopey hat. he was w{e}aring red. he looked up. 

The tree said do you want to stay hear. {Here, but I call bullshit because there's too many different "here"s in the english language}

Yes said Link. 

go look all arond saie the tree. 

he live thar for hiss whole life. 

the End.

Alright, that's that! Wow, that was scarring. But I guess I don't have any shame anymore so whatever. I had very little shame from a young age.

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