Untitled Part 2

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This one is a doozy, and unfortunate proof that I was a major fan of Tak and the Power of Juju (I had to google this name) and I can confirm that this show and the game, were indeed a thing, and I wrote fanfiction about this thing. Absolutely impossible to guess when I wrote this, but the spelling says somewhere around 1st grade? 

Long ago thar was a man namd Lok. 

He livd in a junal. Jungle

And he was a worer [warrior] after he Be came a hero a littel baby namd tak was born.

on his ninth Brthday Lok came, he loved tak. 

on his tenth Brthday out sieters came. 

I think this is just saying that the age gap is 9 years between him and Tak, which is, damn, a lot little Milo, you sure that's right? Age gap with his nameless sister is 10 years. 

Lok saw tak war the outsiders wer. Lok did not now how he wed [would] get tak all the soden he knew. So he saw a vine rit in frot ov him. he knew he cowed grad [could grab] the vine and snahe taik [save Tak].

So he DiD it and he got tak. 

and thay Both ikskaped from the outsiders. 

one yere later tak and lok met a mon cald Yibolba [one year later...man called Yibolba, but actually I looked him up and his name is Jibolba, sorry for the inaccuracies, I'm firing 6 year old me for this right now]

Jibolba tok lok and tak to his hut. when thay went out side thay met tow grils cald fona and flora [girls called Fauna and Flora]. thay wer JuJu's. thay sad you can be aney animal you want. Ok But not now. 

the End. 

OK well that was something. I'm impressed I could spell "outsider", but not "said". Also that ending is sort of great with the "Okay, but not now." I can see myself saying that if someone came up to me and was like, "I can turn you into an animal". Don't remember anything about this show or game, don't want to know. Alright, see you next time I completely embarrass myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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