My Other Half (Poem)

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So yeah, this one isn't a song, it's just a poem.
This is dedicated to someone, and if you find this, which I really hope you will, I hope you'll know this was for you.
You are the Sugar to my Spice,
And the Petals on my Flower.
The Curry to my Rice,
And the Stairs to my Tower.

You are the Happy to my Sad,
And the Quiet to my Loud.
The Good to my Bad,
And the Lost to my Found.

You are the Day to my Night,
And the Bow to my Fiddle.
The Mercy to my Fight,
And the Answer to my Riddle.

You are the Cold to my Hot,
The Pan to my Pot.
The Sun to my Moon,
And the Line to my Dot.

You are the Shovel to my Pail.
The Hammer to my Nail.
The Icing on my Cake,
And the Shell to my Snail.

You're my Light in the Darkness,
The Roads on my Map.
But some people won't accept us...
You know what?
I don't give a crap!
Do you know who you are?
I really hope so.

Luv you all, and stay amazing!
Anna out~     ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ

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