Fate and Coincidence

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Inspired by a Pinterest post! Not sure who the original artist was but the post I saw was uploaded by Miranda Veal which is shown above  <3
"Well, look who I ran into", Coincidence crowed.

"Don't be silly; it was meant to be", Fate smirked.

"Well", Coincidence reached out his hand. "Shall we?"

The two walked off into the busy street, hand in hand, chatting about meaningless things.

Eventually they came to a bakery, and Fate stopped.

"I have a feeling we should go in here", she said.

"Why do you say that, my dear," Coincidence asked.

Grinning, Fate led her companion into the small local bakery. "Just a hunch."

As Coincidence followed Fate inside, the smell of fresh bread and muffins straight out of the oven washed over the two and immediately took over their senses.

Fate was so immensely distracted by the wonderful sweet smells that she tripped over the foot of another customer and landed directly in Coincidence's arms.

Coincidence was dazed only for a moment before pulling Fate closer to his own body.

"Well, look who I ran into", Coincidence whispered with a smirk.

"Don't be silly", Fate fluttered her eyelash. "It was meant to be."

As the two locked lips in a close embrace, the world seemed to stop.

That is, until the customer whom Fate has tripped over cleared his throat, prompting the two to separate.

"Excuse me for interrupting this moment", Luck said boldly, "but I believe I also deserve deserve some credit here".
This is more of a short story than a poem or a song, but it has the same kind of feeling as a poem. For me at least. Hope you enjoyed!
Tell me what you think; I love hearing from you <3

(This was also uploaded on my Short Storied book!! *shameless self promotion*

Bye lovelies (^з^)-☆
Anna out~

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