EVERY NIGHT (A Short Christmas Song)

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Maybe it's the way you sparkle
Like shimmering winter snow
Or maybe it's the way you dazzle me
With your eyes all aglow
I love when we stay awake and watch
The sky with stars so bright
I think I'd like to do this
Every night

Maybe it's the way the snow is falling
And getting caught in your hair
Or maybe it's the endless thought
Of having you right there
Sitting next to me on a snowy Christmas day
Knowing that with you, everything will be okay

So I hope you continue to sparkle
Like shimmering winter snow
And continuously dazzle me
With your eyes all aglow
I hope we can keep watching
The sky with stars so bright
I hope that we can do this
Every night
I meant to upload this earlier, sorry!! Happy New Year everyone! I'm late to everything so..... sorry!
I hope everyone is doing good, is happy, and is starting 2019 off right. Love you guys, stay safe, and enjoy the new year!
Anna out~ ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ

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