The beggining

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Hi my name is Rachael McCall and I'm a werewolf. I was bit when I was 10 when me, my twin brother Scott and his best friend Stiles were  playing hide and seek in the woods when Talia, the alpha who bit me was chasing Peter, her kid brother through the woods when I accidentally got in her way and in instinct she bit me thinking I was a hunters kid trying to prove myself or something thankfully I took the bite but I spent a lot more time in the Hale house trying to learn how to control it before it burnt down, she tought me to use an anchor to look for someone I love to help me calm down for me it was Scott he was my twin brother and I always knew no matter what he would be there for me even when dad got drunk and beat on me, but that enough backstory for now let's get into the juicy parts.

I was on the roof drawing using the light of the full moon to help me see I always sit on the roof come rain or shine, come night or day the view always inspired me when I saw Stiles jeep pull into the driveway "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!," I yelled down to the goofy boy with a confused look on my face
"IS SCOTT THERE!," he shouted back then proceeded to attempted to climb the porch to get up to where I was but as I said attempting
"Need some help there," I spoke softly as I had gotten closer to him with a smirk on my face
" Nah I got this," he said trying to act cool which I just found adorable. You see I have had I crush on my brother's goofy best friend since the day we met but he is infatuated with my best friend Lydia so I would never dare act on them. Before I could reply he began to fall act of instinct I tried to grasp onto his leg but failed as he dragged me down with him I heard a yell it was Scott my brother holding a baseball bat
"WHAT ARE YOUS TWO DOING!" he exclaimed with a look of confusion and anger speed over his face
"Oh y'know just hanging around," I joked earning a snigger from Stiles next to me 'oh god he is toooooooooo cute why can't he like me and not Lydia' I think to myself. He falls down best to me " honestly I was just drawing on the roof when this loser drives in and fails at climbing up so I try to catch him but he takes me down with him," I grin at my brother who then looks at Stiles looking for an explanation
"My dad got a call in from the station every cop and even some from the state department got called in two joggers found a dead body in the woods but they only found half!,I thought why not take my best friends in the whole wide world with me to look for it?" He asks hoping for us to say yes
"No I have gotta practice for Lecrosse tomorrow so I've gotta get a good nights sleep," he states "come in! You always complain that nothing happens in this town but you turn down a chance to see a dead body," Stile adorably complains " he has a point my little broney," I said sending Stiles into a fit on giggles but getting a I'm-going-to-kill-you-later look from Scott " but I like peace and not getting scarred for life so imma go now," I say speed walking to the door only to be stopped by a hand on my wrist Stiles' hand to be exact "come on I need both my friends for this, plus didn't you go to the Hale house a lot before it burned down so you know these woods quite well," he spoke while giving me puppy dog eyes and sticking out it bottom lip omg how can I say no to him in fact I never had not once to my brothers and Stiles ignorance "UGGGGGGHHHHHH FINE," I moaned as quickly followed up with "as long as I get shotgun!" I said as  I held my hand which he had now let go off for him to shake " deal," he said as he took it his touch sending a shiver down my spine as he gave me the same grin he gives Lydia as she passes in the hallways and grabs my arm to tell me the latest drama if I didn't know any better I would think he felt for me as I felt for him but I know better and the only person he feels for in that way is Lydia and I don't name either of them for that "well let's go!" I say as I clap my hands and run to the passenger side of Stiles' jeep as he gets in to the drivers side and Scott gets in behind us and we drive away. Little did I know that this would change the course of my life for better and for worse.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~well that was the first part WHOOOOOOOOO 870 words that is a lot well If anyone is reading I hope you enjoy and even if no one is I will still be writing because this will be and outlet and yes there will be Stiles x Rachael so don't worry cause it will get better ;) anyways I hope you enjoy I will try and progress the story more than I did the part next part but every good story need a solid foundation BYEEEEEEEEE

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