First Day Back

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Previously on Scott's Sister Stiles x Reader:Scott is home and the moment I enter the house I hear him yell "RACHAEL TWIN TALK!"
I run up the stairs and into Scott's room and he tells me "I was bit by something!" He pulls up his shirt and reveals a bite mark that resembles a wolves but that's impossible a wolf hasn't been in Beacon hills in 60 years "OMG SCOTT WE NEED TO BANDAGE IT UP NOW!" I say as I head to the first aid kit it all clicked in my head maybe a werewolf bit him I just hope it wasn't an alpha because I don't know if Scott would take the change I get the kit and pull out a large white bandage and some tape and begin placing it on the bite so far it hasn't healed " so do you know what bit you?" I asked to see if he saw the possible werewolf he furrows his brows for a sec and replies with "a wolf I think," I wince at the response and he clearly notices and says "what?"
" nothing it must of really hurt and do you know how much bacteria are in those mouths a LOT so if you get rabies or something I'm moving out," I spoke with a playful smirk as he glares at me annoyingly "well it's late a girls gotta get her beauty sleep PEACE!" I say as I walk out my brothers room making a peace sign with my fingers.

When I get in my room I start to think If Scott was bit by a werewolf then who bit him as far as I know the Hales were the only pack in Beacon Hills so was it just an omega passing by if so it is unlikely that the bite is strong enough to actually change Scott into one of us but if an alpha is in town I surely would have heard by now or maybe I ain't in the loop anymore UGHHHHHH all these questions are making me tired so I should just sleep on it.

The heat all I can feel is the heat I open my eyes and the once house I could be my self in is covered head to toe in bright orange flames I can hear there screams the screams of the pack I once cherished I can hear her laughter echoing through the woods hunters killed them my other family my werewolf family I see there hands reach out for rescue all I can do is stare, stare at the flames smell the smoke hears the crackle of the flames. I immediately shot up in bed I can feel the beads of sweat drip down my face I look at my clock it's 6:30 I don't have to be up for another 30 minutes but I don't want to go back to my nightmares so I start to get ready I brush my teeth and comb my long hair leaving it in its natural loose waves and getting into my outfit below

And put on my primer and foundation then I put on a pastel pink lipstick and put my mascara on then applied my winged eyeliner and combed my hair once more I put on my expensive perfume and begin to pack my bag once I'm done I head down for breakf...

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And put on my primer and foundation then I put on a pastel pink lipstick and put my mascara on then applied my winged eyeliner and combed my hair once more I put on my expensive perfume and begin to pack my bag once I'm done I head down for breakfast and since I'm early I get to eat breakfast with mom
" hey mom," I chirped happily and I shuffle around the kitchen and make my toast " why are you up so early?" She asks I turn to her and say "I don't know I guess schools got me a little nervous, I lie placing the most nervous looking smile I can think off " don't worry sweetheart you are gonna be fine," we continue to chat for five more minutes while finishing our breakfast when Scott finally heads down the stairs and plops down next to me where I had placed a plate of toast for him " morning Scootle," I say using his nickname I came up with when we were kids "your up early Rachey," he replied placing a peace of toast "why is everyone picking up on that!" I sigh dramatically "can't a girl get up early without getting questions thrown her way," I added leaving Mom snickering "anyway you nearly done Scootle we have to get to school Lydia will KILL me If I leave her walking into school on her own come on," I moan tugging on his arm pulling him out his chair and towards the door " ok ok!" he laughs as he gets on his bike and I hop on the back "you ready?" he askes me
"When am I not?" I ask him as he ignored me as we bike to school.

As we head towards the bike shelter I see Stilies is already here usually I would come up with some dirty thought about him but I'm too concerned about what he knows about my panic attacks and if he tells Scott. As we walk up to him Stiles says "ok let's see this thing," as Scott lifts up his shirt " I thinks it was a wolf,"
"A wolf bit you?" Stiles asks not impressed
" uh huh,"
"No a chance," Stiles states
" I heard a wolf howling," Scott rebutted
"No you didn't," he scoffed
"What do you mean 'no I didn't' how do you know what I heard?"
" because California doesn't have wolves ok, not in like 60 years," he said
"Really?" Me and Scott said in unison obviously I knew about the wolves thing but I pretend to be dumb because Lydia says it helps get Boys and Stiles like to be a know it all
" I mean this is the best thing that's happened in this town since the birth of the McCall twins," he states putting his arms around our shoulders just then I feel a hand on my arm and I'm dragged away by none other than Lydia Martin "hey Lydia you look....," I mouthed bye to Stiles and Scott as I turned to Lydia "hey Lyds how was your summer?" I ask you see me and Lydia didn't see each other this summer due to the guidance teacher thinking we were co-dependent and thought that a summer apart was good for us "boring that stupid teacher and their meddling in other people's business," she replied
"Yea my summer wasn't that great either mom barely let me leave the house unless it was with my brother to make sure we weren't meeting in secret," I tell her and she sighs as we head to our lockers to put our stuff in and the bell rings "see ya," I tell her
"Bye," I check my timetables ok Scott and Stiles are in my class I'll sit with them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1146 words not much to say I hope you enjoy 😉

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