The Bite

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As we drove down the road with miles of trees surrounding us we arrived at a lay by and start walking " hey Stiles just curious but what half of the body are we looking for?," Scott asked
"Huh, I didn't even think about that," he spoke I sniggered at how unprepared he was but I could smell his chemosignals and I could tell that he was embarrassed so I didn't bring it up
I instead asked " is the person who killed the girl still out there?" he was silent for a moment but I didn't need to be a genius to tell that the answer was going to be I don't know "that is also something I didn't think about," he said as we approached a steep hill "it's.. good.. to... know that ... you used to usual attention to... detail," Scott said in a sarcastic manner and I giggled and Stiles replied "I know," though I'm enjoying the view from behind Stiles my asthmatic brother is clearly struggling to keep up "hey Stiles, maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight," I say as we both look to Scott who was leaning against a tree puffing his inhaler and Stiles wait s for Scott to catch his breath then runs ahead "HEY STILES WAIT UP!" I say not far behind him us both leaving Scott in the dust as "Hey guys!" Scott say and as we stop to wait a light is shone in our face, in shock I trip and accidentally fall into Stiles' lap and I can feel my cheeks burning up but no time for romance as we look up and see a cop " hold it right there," the man squeaks before I hear a familiar voice " hang on, hang on these little delinquents belong to me," as be both get back on our feet I check to hear Scott's heartbeat with quick succession then I turn my head to see Stiles and he said "dad how are you doing,"
Mr stilinski sighs and says " so you listen in to all my phone calls," looking at his son with disappointment riddled on his face "no, well not the boring ones," Sheriff Stilinski gave a disapproving nod and asked "well where's the third musketeer," and turned to me at this moment Scott's heartbeat rose dramatically "Scott? Oh he wanted to get some rest for the first day back at school tomorrow," I lied using my teachers pet voice that never fails me Sheriff Stilinski didn't seem so impressed and yelled in no general direction "SCOTT, YOU OUT THERE!?.......SCOTT!" the Stiles dad lets out a tired sigh and told us "well kids I'm going to walk you back to the car," and then grabbed Stiles by the neck and said "when I get home you and I are going to have a conversation about something called invasion if privacy," I laugh then turn back to see Scott run in the direction we came from.

When we get to the jeep Stiles starts the car and drives off "wait what about Scott?" I asked as he sighs "my dad is most likely watching us drive away to make sure we don't go back into the woods so Scott can walk home," my mind starts going into overdrive and I feel my breath getting shorter and the world starts to look further away shit a panic attack in front of Stiles of all people he can see one from a mile away, I have been getting panic attacks ever since the Hale house burned down and Derek and Laura basically left me on my own not even a year after I was bitten I didn't want anyone to worry about me so I tried to hide them from everyone but Lydia found out and I Made her promise not to tell anyone but Stiles will tell Scott who will tell mum and then I will have see doctors or something "hey Rach you don't look so good you're as pale as a ghost," he joked but looking at his face he already knows what's going on "I'm...huff fine...huff nothing...huff for you...huff to worry about," I just manage to breathe out before he parks the jeep in the lay-by and pulls me into a massive bear hug and begins to comfort me "shhhhh it's ok just breath shhhh," it's weird I have never seen this side to Stiles before I can't say I hate it either I look down at my hand and see that my claws are coming out so I try to find Scott but I can't oh no but then I listen to Stiles trying to forget about it when I look down again they are gone huh I guess Stiles is another anchor for me fully calm I joke "ok who are you and what have you done to Stiles?" He laughter and replies " he is gone forever mwuhahahaha!" I'm the first to pull out of the hug and say "thanks," I rub the back of my neck and add "I guess I have some explaining to do he snorts and says in an irritated voice " ya think!".

On the drive back I explain everything (excluding the me being a werewolf thing) and he thinks I should tell Scott but I beg him not to but I think that will only delay it but he was very sweet and understanding so after 3 or 4 more hugs I finally get home and Because we took a detour so Stiles could get the full story Scott is home and the moment I enter the house I hear him yell "RACHAEL TWIN TALK!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 952 words Whoooo that was tiring I was planning to get more done but I guess it's better than 900 words in like 2 or 3 minutes on the show well I planned on getting to the part where Rachael seees the bite but oh well nevermind next time sorry I took so long to get this part out an unhealthy addiction to Danganronpa isn't really an excuse well till next time Peeps ✌️

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