28. Gehenna's Bailiff

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"Clara, I want to thank you for your support," Charlie said as she, Clara, Air, Safiya, Priyanka, Honey, and Rime exited off the train station platform nearest to Velt's southeasternmost major city.

"Of course," Clara replied as she briefly looked out over the northern horizon before letting herself fall into the small crowd of travellers. The group had evaded being identified on their trip, but Clara thought it would be prudent to avoid any officials standing guard at the station counters. She had no idea whether her wanted posters would already – or still – be littering the country, or if the Citadel had closed itself off to even the nation that housed it. Clara decided that no matter the case, it would be better to avoid unnecessary risk. "There is a footpath that runs roughly adjacent to the train tracks just over here," Clara addressed the entire group in Velte. Charlie immediately translated for Honey, now the only monolingual of the group. "The footpath is far enough away, though, to not give us any trouble in terms of being recognized and stopped," she added. "There are some inns on the way, and some of us may be able to chance accommodation there for the next couple of nights."

The group avoided the turn into the city and set off on the footpath Clara had pointed out. The sun was still shining high in the sky, and Clara guessed that they had several hours before they had to think about nighttime dangers.

The Dehic twins stuck together. They had been in relatively high spirits since leaving the underwater city, and Clara thought it likely to be due to their relief to leave the medical centre that had irreversibly changed Priyanka's way of living. Mor likely dredged up less-than-fond memories and reminders. They are not alone in that, Clara thought. Air trailed ahead of the sisters, following the path, accompanied surprisingly by Honey and Rime. Clara kept an eye on them as she and Charlie brought up the rear.

"I did not get a chance to speak with you on this before, Clara," Charlie spoke up in Passeri a few minutes into the group's quiet journey up the eastern footpath. "It may be prudent to change your appearance some, to avoid being recognized as easily."

Disguise had completely escaped Clara. Indeed, if she were spotted by anyone who had seen a poster of the Charlatan, Clara could be in grave danger. Especially with wartime conditions in effect, and with the Citadel's strongest guard deployed nationwide, Clara's appearance could mean the difference between her life and death. If I, the supposed Charlatan, am found, I will be hanged. Clara blanched at the additional connotation that the thought carried. If the Charlatan is found, they will be hanged. Clara looked briefly at Air before again burying that problem for future deliberation.

"Ask the next innkeeper to borrow one of their scissors or blades," she said, directing her attention back to her own safety. "We can cut my hair short."

"It is already short," Charlie pointed out.

"Well, I certainly can't grow it in such short time," Clara laughed back.

"You may have to embrace baldness," Charlie twittered. Clara cursed at her playfully before she noticed the Dehic twins fall back toward them.

"Apologies for the interruption," Safiya interrupted Clara and Charlie's conversation, speaking in Dehic. "Back when we were in the Citadel, staying in Charlie's flat, Priyanka and I heard you two speaking in that language on a couple of occasions. I'm just curious, what is it? I thought this a good opportunity to ask," she said.

"It is my native tongue, Passeri," Charlie replied, smiling. "I am originally from Passerine, the country bordering Genesis and Velt, as you likely already know. Many of us speak Genesese and Velte, but we also have our own language dating back to ancient times. Those of us living in more remote areas and along the shore speak it much more often than those living in the capital or nearer to the borders."

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