31. Under a Hat

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Hollow was clearly a place that attracted diversity; every person that passed Honey by was of a different nationality, and wore garb of unique colours and styles. Honey was unused to seeing such marked differences between the people around her, having grown up in an area of Genesis that was kept deliberately homogenous. It was interesting to watch how each person carried themselves with a sense of purpose. She noticed one particular passerby, who sported all the traditional markings of a Dehic person, as she walked closer to Honey's resting place – a bench outside the main square. Priyanka sat down on the bench, sitting at an elevation higher than Honey, who had decided to take to the ground. It was more comfortable for Honey to be grounded; it kept her mind the same way.

Priyanka did not speak immediately. She watched Honey at first, which Honey could sense out of the corner of her eye, and then she turned to observe the groups of people who passed through the square. Watching people was a way Honey could embrace calm while also ensuring that she kept alert for potential foes. It was also an information-gathering tool. Honey had rarely ventured outside of Genesis or Velt, and the one time she had decided to do so she had struggled, been apprehended, and been jailed. Now, however, with Clara and her group's protection and resources, she was free to move about where she wished. She was able to pursue nobler goals, to protect the Planes of Spirits and the Living from tipping the scale of balance she relied upon for mental peace and stability.

"May I ask you something?" Priyanka spoke up in her accented Genesese. Honey looked up to her and waited patiently, inviting conversation. "Can you tell me what you know about Spirits?" It was a simple question, as Priyanka was still struggling with forming complicated connotations in Genesese, but being able to speak Honey's native tongue still pleased the Genesese woman. She had noticed that Priyanka had been listening to the Genesese speakers closely – Honey had purposely been speaking more clearly recently instead of concatenating with regional slang –, and the Dehic woman was on good terms with Clara, who knew many of the group's languages. Honey could feel her cheeks warm with gratitude. She had never been good at learning the intricacies of other languages' grammars. Consequently, she was used to being ignored.

Nevertheless, Honey picked up on nuance well. She was observant. She knew that Priyanka's simple question was far more complicated than the words she used to construct it. She had noticed the Dehic twins' glances of worry at their fellow group members. She had noticed their hushed conversations and whispers. She had also noticed Safiya's rising intolerance of secrecy. Honey knew that open communication was important for a group; however, she also knew when she need not pry. Priyanka now seemed to be echoing her sister's concerns.

Priyanka shuffled and wore an expectant expression. She was patient, but Honey could see that that was beginning to wane.

"I know many things, much of which I took years to learn from a trained Seer," Honey said. Priyanka deflated some, and Honey knew she had not appreciated her vagueness.

"Pardon my... Pardon I am not polite," Priyanka stuttered her opening but continued with more confidence, "Why are you keeping secrets from us?"

"You do not need to know the details of what Seers do," Honey replied calmly. The intricacies of the Realm of Spirits and its intersection with the Realm of the Living were not of chief concern for Honey's non-Seer companions. Knowledge, in this case, could overcomplicate and confuse.

"I do," Priyanka answered defiantly. Honey was momentarily taken aback by Priyanka's aggressiveness. It was unlike her to be so blunt and negative. "It is... wrong of you to demand from us honesty when you do not give it." Hypocrisy. Priyanka had stumbled upon one of Honey's gravest faults, and Honey knew she had no good defense for it. Nevertheless, her self-preservation instinct had now been activated and she bit back with her own aggression.

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