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Someone called my name.I turned around and I'm assuming this one is Lucas(me) if your Lucas leave(Lucas)Yea it is Lucas and why would I leave?(me)Hmm I have noooo Idea. I said sarcastically (lucas)Look I don't like your attitude so I need you to chill trust me I don't think you wanna meet with me sweetie(me)First off don't call me sweetie second off you have no idea what I'm capable of. Then my slow brain finally realized who he was(me)Oohhh now I know who you are(Lucas)What you mean?(me)Your my best friends cousin(Lucas)Oh lee Yea we're cousins but that doesn't mean anything look don't mess with the girls I fuck(me)Umm ew and why would i wait no HOW would I because I'm pretty sure that's every girl in the school(Lucas)No- well actually you know what just stick with lee and you'll be fine(me) Listen here you fu-. Marcus came(Marcus)Yo Lucas oh what are you doing here(Lucas)She was actually just leaving (me)Yea. I turned around(Marcus)Yo don't mess with my bro (me)I wasn't he came up to me first and decided to be a bitch..oh wait a minute let me guess you both are the fuck boys of the school huh(both)Pretty much(me)God that's so disgusting (Lucas)You wanna be a fuck girl I mean we can your teachers. He winked(me)No y'all are disgusting I'm gonna leave.(Marcus)See you in detention! He shouted. I flicked them both off and kept walking. I arrived to class luckily the teacher was chill and let it slide and it was the first day of school so ya. School was finally over and we didn't do anything in 7th block. When the school was empty I called my dad in the bathroom to tell him I had detention he didn't care because I didn't actually do anything the teacher was being a bitch so Yea. I went to her classroom (teacher)Don't you two move ok I want you both to stay in here and think about what you've done. She left and locked the door(me)What a bitch. I got up(Marcus)What are you doing?(me)I don't like to stay in one place for long. I leaned against the board we both were seated in the front of the class but I didn't want to sit(me)Why are you and your brother so mean?(Marcus)Why does it matter?(me)I don't know (Marcus) Exactly (me) I would ask if you have a girlfriend for just a random question but then I remembered you basically are with every girl in the school(Marcus)Nah I just mess with them then leave(me)That's disgusting (Marcus)What have you never done it before (me) I'm not answering that plus I don't share personal info with someone I barley know(Marcus)So I won't say anything (me)Yea right you know everyone in the school(Marcus)True(me)you know what I'm just gonna listen to music. I turned on one of my favorite songs "What they want" by Russ. I saw him staring at my chest(me)Eyes up here buddy or you know what just don't look at me at all. He laughed and looked away playing with the pencil in his hands slouched in his chair. I rolled my eyes. Then I listened to XXXTENTACION(R.I.P X🙏❤😭) "I spoke to the devil in Miami, he told me everything would be fine" I then looked at Marcus at he continued to play with his pencil. Marcus is actually really hot, but he's a fuck boy ugh why is it always the hot ones I don't understand. I got a call from someone and Marcus caught me staring I then snapped out of it and picked up my phone(lee)Yo where are you?(me)Oh I'm in detention (lee)why?(me)Oh you know Mrs.Bitch oh wait sorry I meant mrs.snitch decided to throw me in here so ya I didn't even do anything she got all snooty and called me miss. Dolphin on purpose so Yea kill me. He laughed (lee)Dang well who else is there(me)A fuck boy this really annoying (lee)Nice is it my cousin (me)Yup the one and only Marcus dobre(lee)Yea I forgot to tell you that they are I don't know how I found out but I did so Yea him and Lucas are the biggest ones(me)wow I didn't notice. I said sarcastically then laughed he did too(me)Can you pick me up after please(lee)Sure bye love ya angey(me)Love ya too bye lee. I hung up(Marcus)Is that your boyfriend or something?(me)Nooooo not even close that's my besfriend and YOUR cousin (Marcus)Oh lee? yea we're cousins wait nevermind y'all are like lifelong best friends right?(me)Yup. (Marcus)Damn it. He randomly yelled(me)Let me guess you were supposed to meet a girl to do it with but you missed it because your stuck with me in detention (Marcus) Actually Yea(me)Ew. I rolled my eyes and before I put back on my headphones (Marcus)Wait I got a questions(me)If you want to know if i will have sex with you instead no(Marcus)Can you like read minds or something?(me)Oh that is so gross. I put back in my headphones and listened to some music again and sat down and he sat beside me. The teacher finally came in(teacher)Ok y'all can go good bye. I walked out without taking out my earbuds and out on "PRBLMS" by 6lack. I walked outside and texted lee to pick me up. Someone tapped my shoulder but I didn't bother to turn around or look at who it was.(me)Sorry I'm kinda busy so maybe later. He laughed I took out my ear buds(me)Ugh it's you what do you want(marcus)Well my mom texted me and told me lee is coming to pick us both up because I'm supposed to be at Lee's so yea(me)That's just great. The lee arrived a while later(me)Hey lee(lee)Hey angey how was detention?(me)Oh you know boring made me wanna die so I guess you would say it was fun(lee)Yea sure does sound like it. We both laughed(lee)Hey Marcus. Lee said as he started the car and drove off(lee)Y'all didn't do anything did y'all???(me)hell no are you crazy. Marcus didn't say anything and I saw him smirk. I ignored it and we arrived at my house (me)I'll head over to your house in a few let me change into something more comfortable (Marcus)Why what's wring with what you have on(me)I don't like it(Marcus)I do. He looked at my chest and back to my face and winked(me)Oh my Lord your such a flirt(lee)Nope sorry cuzzo but Angey is off limits (me)Yup bye lee love you(lee)Love you too! He shouted as I walked back inside I saw Marcus hop in the front seat and roll down his window (Marcus)What about me? I heard Marcus shout (me)Sorry I forgot you were even there. I said in a sassy tone and laughed then walked inside he just laughed. I walked upstairs to my room and changed into this.

(Not the book bag though) I drove to Lee's house and went inside(me) Lee! He came downstairs (lee)Hey angey, everyones out back you want to go meet them(me)Sure

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(Not the book bag though) I drove to Lee's house and went inside(me) Lee! He came downstairs (lee)Hey angey, everyones out back you want to go meet them(me)Sure. We walked outside (lee)Hey guys so this is my best friend angey but her real name is Angelina and we've been best friends ever since we were born(lee)So angey this is my aunt auriela and my uncle boz, you already know my two cousins Lucas and Marcus and these are my other two cousins Darius and Cyrus(me)Well it's nice to meet y'all. They all welcomed me but Lucas and Marcus just stuck on their phones. I over heard their conversation and decided to ease drop(Marcus)Yo look at this pic that Maddy sent me(Lucas)Damn bro look what Brittany sent me(Marcus)Nicceee. They both did that bring handshake or whatever the thing that's guys do. They are such f boys I mean literally everywhere they go(Marcus)Yo I'm gonna get Angelinas number and ask her for pics plus who would reject us(Lucas)Nice you should go do it when she's free(Marcus)Yea that's my plan. Later on I got up to go get a drink and went inside. I opened the fridge and when I closed it Marcus was there (me)Hoollyy shit don't scare me like that! I hit him(me)You almost gave me a heart attack! He laughed (Marcus)So I got a question (me)No you are not getting my number(Marcus)bu-(me)And no you are not getting nudes from me thank you good bye(Marcus) Seriously I swear you can read minds! He said out loud and through his hands up as he said it then swung them back down(me)No, I heard you and Lucas's conversation (Marcus)Oh umm yeah i- bye. He ran off back outside(me)Stupid boy. I said to myself(lee)Hey why aren't you outside?(me)I don't know I just came inside for a little break(lee)Oh ok. He said as he folded his hands and put his arms on the counter top. I poured my drink and closed the fridge, took a sip, and set my drink down(me)Marcus tried to ask for my number so he could get nudes from me(lee)Well that's disgusting (me)Yea(lee) How'd you know?(me) I over heard their convo(lee) Typical Lucas and Marcus (me)Yup and now I sit beside him in 5th block(lee)Which one?(me)Marcus, so that means I'm gonna see him and Lucas everyday because Lucas sits in front of me also(lee)Damn, well that sucks wait.your not catching feelings it anything at all are you??(me)What?! No ew they both fuck boys that's disgusting no way(lee)Ok good. He nervously laughed and sighed in relief (me)Let's just enjoy the rest of our day shall we(lee)We shall. We laughed and walked outside.(TBC)✔💙

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