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It was Monday. Literally the worst day in terms of the entire week. It is also the day that everyone pretty much in the world can't stand, because it shows that the weekend is over and we have to go to whatever place we needed to go to.

In my case, that was school. High school to be more exact. You see, I didn't hate school. Actually, I kind of liked it at times. Just not on Mondays. That was the day when we had all of our classes, and the day that all my teachers decided to give the class a ton of homework.

On Monday morning, I woke up at the sound of my alarm playing "Hedwig's Theme". I hit Snooze, considering I was  able to sleep an extra few minutes because I only had to walk five minutes to school. I closed my eyes for the time that I had before the alarm sounded again.

When it rang again, I moaned. It was not a very attractive sound as it kind of sounded like a mule. I slowly sat up and saw my mess of my thick, curly, nappy, dark brown hair in the mirror on my dresser. It literally looked like an Afro around my small but plump face.

I turned off the alarm as I walked into the bathroom that was between my sister Asia and I's room.

Asia was already up, putting on her load of Fenty Beauty. She was fifteen, two years younger than me, yet with all of the makeup she put on, she looked about five years older than me. I shook my head as I walked over to my sink. "I know I ask you this every morning, but why is it necessary for you to put on so much makeup?"

Asia rolled her eyes. "Because unlike you, I actually give a crap about my appearance."

Okay, that was slightly true. I mean,  I put on some makeup, like concealer and some light eye makeup, but when it came to full face and or my overall appearance, I did the bare minimum.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I really should start on taming my hair as it was seriously a mess, but I decided to brush my teeth and wash my face first. After I did those two things I moisturized my face to get rid of some acne that never seemed to go away.

Asia walked out of the bathroom with a sigh and went into her room, closing the door behind her. I decided to take my shower, so I walked back into my room and grabbed some underwear and a clean bra. I then went into my closet to find something to wear. Since it was Monday, my outfit was definitely going to be something basic. Since there was nothing basic except for some shoes and a jacket that could be valuable, I went to my dresser to see if I would have more success.

Thankfully, I found a Harry Potter t-shirt and some jeans along with some Mickey Mouse socks. I collected all my clothing items, and brought them back into the bathroom with me. I turned on the water and took off my pajamas and undergarments, hopping into the shower when I finished. I washed off quickly, and quickly doused my hair in some water in order to give it some moisture.

Most Black girls hate water in relation to their hair; however, for me, I found it extremely helpful. While some girls' hair or weave, because let's be honest, a lot of us get it, has any water in it, it turns into an Afro, though with me, it actually just lays it down.

My hair also wasn't very long; it went slightly passed my shoulders and was a little above the middle of my back. When I got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and gently patted the water out of my hair. I walked  over to my sink, and got some product to maintain its tamed state. After that, I put it in a low ponytail.

I quickly put on some lotion and some deodorant, and put on my clothes. Asia walked back in, as I was putting on some eyeliner and mascara. I noticed she only had half of her makeup done, and her hair hadn't been straightened like it usually was at this time of the morning. "Hey A, why you moving so slow this morning?"

You and Me... (BWWM)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant