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I waved to Alex as he walked in the opposite direction, and was about to say bye to Luke, before I remembered that he probably didn't know where to go next.

"What's your next class?" I asked him, as he stared intently at his schedule.

He gave me the schedule as a response, and as went down the list of classes, I noticed that we had literally all of the same classes.


I handed it back to him, and motioned for him to follow me. "Well, looks like we'll be getting to know each other all day today, Luke."

He nodded, and also had a look that showed pleasure. We walked side by side towards Math class in silence. I thought it would stay that way until Luke cleared his throat. "I'd rather you call me Lucas, Michelle."

I scrunched my eyebrows. "Okay...may I ask why?"

"I would like to keep the originality going," He said matter-of-factly. "If you think of anything else, you could use that."

I nodded. "That sounds reasonable, Lucas."

Lucas smiled. "I was just kidding. You can call me whatever you'd like."

I shoved him playfully, and he laughed once again. We were almost to Math when Luke said another comment. "So Michelle..."

I looked over at him with raised eyebrows. "Yes?"

"What do you do for fun?"

"You mean like hobbies?" I asked, as we walked into the classroom.

"I guess you could say that," He said as he followed me to my seat.

I grabbed a chair from the back of classroom and put it beside my chair for him. "Um...I like reading a lot."

"I can tell," Luke sat down. "Anything else?"

"Well, most of the time, I concentrate on my work, you know? You see I'm trying to go to Princeton..."

Luke cut me off. "Why not Oxford? I'm sure you would do great there."

I smiled. "Possibly, but I could never leave my parents. I mean, Princeton's one thing, but Oxford? That's across the ocean for me."

"It was for me too," Luke laughed then turned serious. "Sorry if I'm prying again, but Michelle, do you ever take risks?"

"What types of risks?" I sat down in my seat, and started to do the warm-up that I noticed was on the board.

"I don't know; drink alcohol even though you're underage or hang out in places that are most definitely not for you. Oh! Maybe go to a club. You know, fun stuff."

My eyes widened at him, before they went back to my paper. "No. Absolutely not."

Luke sighed, and laid back in his chair. I continued working on the warm up until I was finished, which was only a few minutes after the bell. I saw Luke in peripheral vision doing absolutely nothing, even though I could tell he had seen the board. Our teacher, Mrs. Leibowitz, came over to the table that we were sitting at. "Good morning, Jasmine."

I smiled politely at her. "Good morning, Mrs. L."

She smiled back, and her eyes moved over to Luke. "You must be Mr. Simpson."

Luke nodded. "You think right, Mrs. uh...,"

"Leibowitz. You can call me Mrs. L for short, if you'd like. Is there another name you would like to go by?"

"Luke or Lucas is sweet, thanks," Luke responded, his accent becoming more pronounced.

"Okay, Lucas. Today in class, we're just doing some partner work. I see you're sitting with dear Jasmine here, so you two can pair up for the assignment," She gave us both the worksheet that we needed. "If you all don't finish in class, that's fine. Just bring it to class on Wednesday."

You and Me... (BWWM)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora