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I didn't talk to Lucas the rest of the day. He listened when I asked him not to follow me to my destination, which was the library. Actually, he gave me space for the remainder of the day.

And I didn't know how I felt about it.

I mean, yeah, I was glad that I was finally able to pretend like it was a regular day for me, but now I didn't know how he may have felt about me. Did he dislike me now? Was he not going to be as nice?

When I had walked home with Alex, I voiced my thoughts to him. He waved my concerns off. "Please, Jazz. He was just being a gentleman. I highly doubt his opinion has changed about you because you asked him not to follow you. Actually, he asked me if he had hurt your feelings."

I raised my eyebrows. "Really?"

"Yes, dear child."

"Well, I'll apologize tomorrow. I'll feel bad if I don't."

Alex rolled his eyes in response, and I just laughed. We continued walking to my house in silence. I thought it would stay that way until Alex cleared his throat. "Damn, he's so freakin' hot."

"Wow," I laughed a little. "Shocked of how long you were able to hold that in."

"I know right?" He sighed dramatically. "But dang, God took his time on him."

I simply just shook my head. God did in fact take his time on Lucas, but I would never admit that. Like I said before, I wasn't a girl to fawn over guys. Mainly because my heart belonged to numerous male characters in books that I read. Leo Valdez, Draco Malfoy, Jace Herondale, Peeta Mellark; just to name a few.

"So for that English project," I changed the subject. "You want to work on it together?"

Alex smiled. "Obviously. Did you really need to ask?"

"True but still."

"Maddox said that we could have a maximum of three members. Wanna add Lucas to the usual duo?"

My eyebrows raised once again. "Since when are you so generous?"

"Since a hottie finally graced the halls of the hellhole that is Lincoln High. C'mon Schuyler, it'll be fun. Plus, isn't he extremely smart or something?" Alex took out his phone.

"In math, but I don't know in other subjects. I didn't talk to him in our other classes after lunch remember? Wait, are you texting someone?"

Alex looked up from his end-of-the-world-was-imminent-if-he-didn't-send-whatever-he-was-typing. "Possibly..."

I rolled my eyes as I took the phone from him. "Wait, how the heck did you get his number?"

Alex had been texting Lucas to ask if he would be in our group. Alex rarely said anything unless he was talking to me. How he got Lucas' number, I had no idea.

"I got it after you left. He wanted me to give him your number, but I told him I wouldn't do my girl like that."

"Thanks. Anyway," I handed him his phone back. "How do we know that he doesn't already have a partner?"

"Didn't you notice how he turned down pretty much everyone who asked if he wanted to be partners with them at the end of class? He said he was thinking of partnering up with someone else. He was most likely talking about the girl that asked him to give her some space earlier."

We turned on my block. I laughed without humor. "I swear Alex, your theories are getting worse with old age. I highly doubt he was talking about me."

"I swear Jasmine, if you keep rejecting at hand that someone is fond of you, you will never get anywhere in life," Alex said matter-of-factly. "I love you but seriously. This Lucas guy likes you and would like for you to be his friend. So get out of your head, and let me ask him to be in our group. The worst he can do is say no."

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