"Under the Ice" (PART 6)

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You:  *you,  Brad,  and Ashley came to the top deck and absolutely no one was around*

Ashley:  where should we start looking

You:  well I would say behind counters but he would've been spotted on the top deck already

Brad:  so lower

You:  yes and I have a way *you opened this trap door and dropped down into the next floor below and they did the same* there's trap doors on everyone of these decks

Ashley:  how'd you figure that out

You:  I observe

Brad:  mhm well let's get going

You:  *you searched every deck or at least the ones you could*
A/N:  there are 15 decks and the 10 of them are available and the other 5 are employees only

You:  we have 3 more decks to  explore

Brad:  man I'm pretty tired

You:  do you want your brother or not

Brad:  alright alright I'm fine

Ashley:  well I mean we can't go lower then 3 decks

You: or can we? 

Brad:  oh no no no we are not breaking the rules-

Ashley:  where'd she go? 

Brad:  *he looked down and the trap door was open and they heard another one open*

Brad:  Ughhhh *he dropped down and so did Ashley*

You:  *you dropped down to the 11th deck and the rest followed* damn it's darker in here then usual

*the lights flickered as you cautiously went down the hallway*

Ashley:  dang I'm scared

Brad:  how about we split up

Ashley:  that's never a good idea

Brad:  I'll be fine

You:  *you and Ashley went down the hall and Brad went the other way* 

Ashley:  I'm worried

You:  shhh do u hear that? 

Ashley:  *she stayed silent*

You:  it sounds like someone's talking

Ashley:  like Matt's voice? 

You:  I dont know, it's the deck below us

Ashley:  well it could just be employee's talking ,nothing too skeptical

You:  I'm gonna go another deck below

*but then you heard a scream*

Ashley:  what was that? 

You:  well a scream obviously

Ashley:  yea?  Brad's scream

You:  Shit

Ashley:  I knew we shouldn't have split up

*you  both ran in the direction you heard the scream*

*the lights went out and you heard footsteps approaching you guys slowly*

You:  *you took out your phone and took a pic with the flash on to see who it was*

Ashley:  what the hell why would you do that

Brad:  oh it's just you guys

You:  what? 

*the lights came back on*

*the captain through a speaker*

Captain:  sorry folks the power went out

Captain:  one of the crew members cut the wrong wire sorry everyone you can go back to sleep
*static* over

You:  goodness, Brad are you ok? 

Brad:  yes yes I'm fine

Ashley:  why did you scream you sounded like you were getting murdered

Brad:  *he looked down timidly* I'm sorry I accidentally cut my hand *he showed you a large slit going across his hand*

Ashley: oh my,  geez we need to fix that *she ran to him*

Brad:  *he backed up* look I'm fine I'll fix it myself once we get up there

*you heard foot steps from the end of the Hall (which was like a long way) *


You:  crap hurry guys up up

Ashley and Brad:  *they climbed up a ladder and you followed them and closed the trap door*

You:  *you guys finally reached the top deck* oh god that was close

Brad: *he stayed quiet*

Ashley:  Brad?  You ok? 

Brad:  *he nodded and walked off to his room like nothing had happened*

You:  I think he's just speechless

Ashley:  well that's not usually how he acts

You:  I mean well his brother randomly disappeared and he has a huge gash on his left hand, I mean I would be acting differently

Ashley:  well it wasn't even bleeding

You:  well maybe it wasn't too deep or he had stopped the bleeding for a little

Ashley:  ya let's go sleep

You:  I don't know if I'll be able to

Ashley:  why? 

You:  well I threw soda in Barry's face,  Neil's married but for some reason looks at me like I'm his wife,  Brad hurt himself,  and Matt randomly disappeared

You:  so ya I don't know if I can sleep

Ashley:  I'll stay up with you if it makes you feel better

You:  thx


"Under the Ice" Three Days Grace FanficWhere stories live. Discover now