"Under the Ice" (PART 12)

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Well crap this whole time Matt's been gone and replaced with a robot WELL DAMN I HOPE YOUR OK HEHEHEHHEHE

You:  *you woke up with a bag over your head and your head was aching*

You: *you tried to move but you couldn't move your hands cuz they were tied up*

You:  *it was cold and not to dark but you could sense a light above you and other people*

Person:  if only you had stopped looking when I told you,  you wouldn't have gotten yourself in trouble

You:  D- Dani? 

Person:  *he took the bag off your head*

Dani:  great job now your figuring it out

You:  how could you? 

Dani:  just doing my job *he grinned*


Dani:  I am *he pulled out a gun*

You:  *you gasped*

Person:  *he walked out in a red cloak but with a huge hood and a mask over his face*  *he held his hand out*

Dani:  *he looked at him and put the gun away*

Person:  Hello Y/N *evil laugh*

You:  show yourself

Person:  no thx princess

You:  don't call me that

Dani:  *he socked you in the stomach* you think your so tough you little brat

Person:  HEY *he held his hand up* stop and don't do anything unless I tell you

Dani:  *he nodded and stepped back*

Person:  *he approached you and bent down* are you ok *he eyed the necklace you had and stepped back*

You:  *you looked at him in hatred but didn't answer him*

Person: don't worry we'll get you talking

Dani:  she figured out that Matt was replaced by a robot boss and we couldn't let the news get out to anyone else Boss

Person:  how could someone like her figure it out

You:  I observe ,you should do a little more research on the people you replace

Person:  don't tell me what I should and shouldn't do

You:  I can tell you what I want

Dani:  I'm about to sock you in your jaw if you don't shut up

You:  you don't scare me

Dani:  *he put up his fist*

Person:  Dani?  What did I say

Dani:  *he flipped you off*

You:  your an asshole Dani

Dani:  keep talking that's right I don't care

Person: *he stared at you*


Person:  calm down sunflower

You:  also don't call me that

Person:  well look around

You:  *you turned your head and saw all the actual members of 3DG*  O m g

Person:  this proves my plan worked well.  No one even knew that they were kidnapped *he gave robot Neil a Pat on his head* you guys did a great job

You:  this is messed up

Person:  yes this world is messed up

You:  why did you kidnap us

Person:  it all started when Adam left 3DG he didn't care who joined 3DG he was fine with it BUT I WASN'T

Person:  I can't let Matt be the singer of 3DG because he uses auto tune

(Even though Brendon Urie has used auto tune before and has better vocals then Matt like wtf so that means you can't like Panic at the disco then huh???  Sorry I'm pissed atm) 

(Btw this is an actual comment I saw somewhere it was stupid)

Person:  Matt's singing is terrible and I won't allow him to be the lead singer of 3DG

You:  um have you heard him without auto tune he's great

Person:  well even though it happened like 6 years ago I'm gonna be immature and hate on him and not handle the situation like an adult WHICH MEANS I WILL KILL EVERY MEMBER OF 3DG IF I HAVE TO

You:  you are the most immature Adam fan I have ever met

Person:  I'm not an Adam fan either I hate Adam,  he's way too nice

You:  wow

You:  wait isn't the ship damaged

Person:  no I just said that to get people off the boat

You:  what's gonna happen to them

Person:  I'm gonna send them to an island and hopefully they die there and we can all live happily ever after


Person:  yes for me it is

You:  your sickening

Person:  thank you I try

You: fuck you

Person:  calm down girlie

You:  what do you want with me

Person:  well we could kill you to

Dani:  aww yeah

Person:  but I really am quite fond of you

Dani:  dang it

You:  what do you mean

Person:  I like you a lot


You:  I'd rather date the robot

Robot Neil:  really? 

You:  don't get your hopes up

Robot N:  *he frowned*

Person:  *he stopped in front of you again and he put his hand on your chin and lifted it up* you're beautiful,  intelligent,  skillful ,and courageous just the partner I was looking for

You:  I don't wanna be your partner 

Dani:  what about me? 

Person:  *he pulled out a gun* SHUT IT DANI *he shot him and you jumped back*

Person:  heh oops don't worry if you cooperate you won't turn out like that

You:  I'd rather be dead

Person:  do you accept my offer.  I want you to be my partner and we can over run the world

You:  never *you spat in his face*

Person: *he wiped it off* mabye this will change your mind *he walked around to Matt*

You:  no plz don't

Matt:  it's ok

You:  no don't do it

Person:  *he pulled out the gun and placed it against Matt's head* 

*and he pulled the trigger*

"Under the Ice" Three Days Grace FanficWhere stories live. Discover now