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This fan fiction has been bouncing around in my skull for probably close to twelve years now. Probably longer.

Allow me to ramble for a bit.

I've been playing video games for quite awhile. I cut my teeth on the SNES and the Sega Genesis, playing Mortal Kombat, Super Mario World, and whatever else I could get my hands on. Eventually, I finally got my own console in the form of the Nintendo 64, and it opened up my world and imagination.

Every now and then, a game would come along that would blow me away. Perfect Dark. Halo. Half Life. StarCraft. Indigo Prophecy. Games that would enrapture me. I would become obsessed with them.

And then Knights of the Old Republic came along, and I think that game had the most profound, powerful impact on me of any game I've ever played.

I was in high school. It was either 2004 or 2005. One Wednesday, I woke up sick, and my mom let me stay home. Later that day, when she got home from work, she took me up to Blockbuster and let me rent a game for my Xbox. I had heard about KOTOR before, I think I'd even seen commercials for it, and I remembered hearing how it had like 50 hours of gameplay, which seemed impossible to me at the time.

So I finally rented it. At first, when I started playing it, I wasn't sure what I had gotten myself into. I had never played an RPG before. Yes, you heard that right: I had never played an RPG before KOTOR.

But I stuck with it, and within a few hours, I was hooked. Hopelessly.

Mercifully, I was sick Thursday and Friday. I played KOTOR basically non-stop for five days. I played the hell out of that game. It got so bad that when I had to go back to school on Monday, I could hear lightsabers igniting in the background, almost like when you play a game for too long and you can see it when you close your eyes. (Did that with MineCraft later on.)

Naturally, I wanted to write a fan fiction about it.

I started working on And There Was Another. It was about what this story is about: another survivor from the ship that was destroyed at the beginning of the game. I didn't really know where I was going with it, only that I wanted to capture that wild, amazing feeling KOTOR imbued me with and put it in story form.

I only got a few chapters in, and eventually gave up on it. I don't really remember why. It was a very long time ago. Eventually, I went on to write what was, for a long time, the longest thing I'd ever written, Heroes of the Old Republic, a 176,000 word monster that I actually finished. It was my version of KOTOR 3, which was never released. (Still bitter. And NO, The Old Republic doesn't count, goddamnit.)

I still plan to rewrite Heroes of the Old Republic. But And There Was Another never truly left me, and I'm not really sure why. It's not like I had a compelling idea. And yet, here we are.

So, if you've never played Knights of the Old Republic or if you don't care about Star Wars, I'd say give it a shot anyway. I've tried to make it fairly stand-alone in the sense of you being able to understand it without knowing much about KOTOR or Star Wars. It's a Sci-Fi Adventure story with some romance and depression throughout, and a touch of horror here and there.

Whatever your reasons, if you read it, I hope you enjoy it!

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