one: the day of her death

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     The day of Reign's death was always a mystery to the town, nobody knows what happened and who she was enemies with. It was the biggest mystery the town of Silver Oak had ever seen. 

7 years ago, January 10th

      "Father?" Reign called from the door of her two-story home. "I'm in my room." Her father said back. Reign put her backpack in the closet and walked on the endless stairs. 

     She opened the door to her parents' room to see them neatly packing their things into leather suitcases. Her father was rolling clothes in his suitcase, whereas her mother was packing many cosmetic items. 

     "I have something to tell you." Reign said looking down at the floor. "Anything." Her father said. "I have a girlfriend now. Her name is Adara."

    "What are you trying to say?" Her father asked.

     "I'm gay."

     No words could describe the shameful look in Reign's father's eyes. He wouldn't dare to look at his daughter or speak to her for that matter. All he did was walk past her and drive to Hawaii for their anniversary. 

     Minutes later Reign received a text from her mother, a beautiful African-American woman with soft caring eyes. 

Mom: Your father is very upset with you child. Me on the other hand, not so much. I will love you always, but your father requests that you move to a friends house after we come back from Hawaii. I can't wait to see what amazing things you do without us baby.

     Tears rolled down her cheeks as she left the house in desperation for a place to stay. Harper's house was the only option. Harper's house was far, almost on the other side of town. About a 30minute walk from her house to Harper's. But it was so worth it in the end. 

     By the time she arrived, the tears had stopped falling and the only thing left was her bloodshot eyes and tear-soaked clothes. Reign had to knock a few times before Harper's mom, Blair answered. Blair could clearly see the heartbreak in Reign's eyes, as she gave her a big caring hug.

    "Harper's not home right now just grabbing some milk with my mother. You can just wait up in her room." Blair let her inside the home. 

    All Reign could think about was the big mistake that she had made telling her father about her girlfriend. What would she tell Adara? That her father doesn't want a gay child, or the feelings aren't mutual, or maybe she did it as a dare. Reign had no clue.

     "Hey!" Harper's sudden voice made Reign jump. But when Harper caught a glimpse of a broken Reign she threw her car keys on the vanity and went to comfort her.

     "What happened Reign?" Harper asked. "I told my dad I was gay, and he asked me to move out. He doesn't want to see me anymore. I shamed him."

     "You didn't shame him. He just isn't used to having a daughter that likes girls." Harper argued.

     "He hates me. I'm the worst thing in the world to him. He doesn't want to see me, and I don't think I could see him if he doesn't love me. What am I going to do without a family?" Reign said through tears. 

    "You have my family. We have an extra guest room that you could sleep in. I don't know if it would be permanent. If that's what you want." Harper said. 

     "That's fine. I just need to pick up my glasses from my house." Reign grabbed Harper's car keys from the vanity and drove to her house. 

     Little did Reign know was that her very last moments on Earth were quickly approaching. At sundown.

Hey guys! This is my first non-wrestling related book. Weekly updates will only happen if I log onto Wattpad. 

QOTD 1: Tacos or Burritos

QOTD 2: Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts

Thanks for reading the first chapter of sundown. Bye!


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