three: present day

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7 years later, Harper Woods still deals with the death of Reign Moser. Now as Brown University college student in a forensics major. In 2011, she made a promise to her mother to not get involved with the murder in any way. The police are still at a dead end and Harper is desperate for the killer to be found.

Present day, April 27th, 2018

Class went on for ages in Harper's mind. Maybe it was that the main officer in Reign's case had recently been killed. Or maybe the information didn't make sense to her. Either way, she wasn't focused at all.

Harper was seated in the front row in her Advanced Forensics class. "Anything to add, Ms.Woods?" Her professor asked with an attitude. "No, Mr.Russel," Harper said. Professor Russel went back to his lesson on finding prints.

Harper still couldn't focus. Too many thoughts roamed her head. If she was truly going to find the killer of Reign, she needed to call an old friend. After their fight, Harper had never said another word to Paris.

"Class dismissed." The creaking of chairs and shuffling papers brought her back to attention. People brushed past her in a hurry. Harper left and ran to her dorm in attempt to finally talk to Paris.

Senior year, Harper and Paris got into a huge argument. All because Harper accused Paris of killing Reign. Harper had no reason to say this, except she did it to find more suspects. Paris had been accepted into Brown alongside Harper, but they never interacted.

Harper looked around for Paris but it was no use. Too many college students to look through with so little time. Harper pulled her phone out from her pocket and looked for Paris's number in her contacts. Harper silently cheered when she found it and dialed the number.

"Who's this?" Paris asked over the phone.

"Harper." She responded quickly.

The dial tone rang. Paris had ended the call in an attempt to not talk to Harper and her accusing ways.

Harper called three more times before Paris answered with a harsh, "STOP CALLING ME!" before blocking Harper's number. "Dang it!" Harper cried in anger. She went around asking people if they knew Paris's dorm room number. They didn't. It was almost like Paris was invisible at Brown University.

Then it hit Harper like a bullet to the head. The library was the one place Paris was always at. Harper ran all the way across campus to the elegant two-story library.

Harper opened the double doors and looked frantically around the library. There she was sitting in the far back near the astrology books. Harper approached the table and took a seat. Paris didn't look up from her notes, so Harper coughed to get her attention.

Paris shook her head and rolled her eyes at the sight of Harper.

"Get out," Paris said.

"Listen, Paris."

"No," Paris said.

"Look, I am truly am sorry for what I said 5 years ago. I just need your help in solving a case." Harper apologized, but in her mind, Paris was still a suspect.

"I see you've barely changed since sophomore year. You're not a police officer, so stop sticking your nose in things that have no relevance to you." Paris huffed at Harper.

"It's the case of Reign's murder. I want the killer to be known now. The main sheriff on the case is dead. Presumably by the same killer. I just need someone I trust to help me solve the case." Harper explained.

Paris looked right into Harper's hazel eyes. "You trust me enough to blame me for her death. I would never kill my best friend, especially the only one that actually liked me." Paris spat out, grabbing her things.

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