four: house of horrors

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Mosers' Old House-April 28th 2018


     The car rolled into the driveway with a screeching halt. The car doors slammed as Harper and Paris left the vehicle.

     The house was not in the prime condition as it once was 7 years ago. Blood was splattered across the house like a Jackson Pollock painting. The paint was rusted and covered in dirt and cobwebs. 

    "You know, we're tampering with evidence. That means we can get arrested." Paris realized. Harper pulled out a box of rubber gloves and started waving it in the air, "That's exactly why I brought these along, you know, just in case." Harper said.

     They both slide the gloves over their hands and proceeded to open the door. Harper was struggling to open the door, it was stuck. Harper twisted the knob and pushed the door as hard as she could. It still wouldn't open. "Dang it!" Harper banged her fist on the door in frustration. 

     "Hey, genius, maybe the door is locked. Just use your spare key to open the door." Paris said with attitude. Harper pulled out her spare key from the small compartment in her convertible that held the key.

     The door clicked open with ease as Harper stuck the key in. The floorboards creaked under the weight of their footsteps. 

     "Most of the downstairs was clear when I was here the day after she died. But still, dust for fingertips and look for things that are unusual." Harper grabbed a roll of tape and a special fingertip concoction that was separated into two bags. 

     "Maybe you didn't look hard enough. Did you check the kitchen?" Paris asked.

     "I look thoroughly, and yes I did," Harper responded, checking under the couch cushions.

     "I mean, did you look everywhere?" Paris asked.

     Harper looked up and stared at Keira annoyed, "My god Paris, this is a round of 20 questions. I did everything I could think of at the time. Happy?" Harper went back under the couch.

     Paris disappeared to another part of the house. Harper slid her hand under the couch and moved it side to side until she hit something. 

     Harper pulled it out half-way, the sharp blade cutting through the glove and piercing her hand. Blood dripped from the fresh wound. Harper let out a silent scream of pain. She quickly pulled out the object, revealing an opened pocket knife. The blood on it wasn't Reign's dried blood from many years ago, but instead Harper's fresh blood surrounding the blade. 

     Harper grabbed bandages from a nearby medical cabinet, wrapping her wounded hand. You could see the blood through the bandage. 

    Harper walked into the kitchen, holding her roll of tape. In the center of the island, a case of Paula Dean knives was organized. Harper checked the fingerprints on each knife; all of them belonged to Reign's parents. 

    Keira came out from the garage, with no clues whatsoever. 

    "The whole garage has no fingerprints that are relevant. I mean except for her parents, there was no other fingerprints." Paris said. 

    Harper looked at Paris, "Don't you remember that her parents are a prime suspect? I still think it's them." 

    Paris rolled her eyes at Harper. "They LIVED here Harper. Get your head out of the clouds." Paris yelled.

     Harper ignored Paris and walked to the spiraling staircase. Reign's house was huge, almost a mansion. Many people had a problem with Reign because she got everything she wanted. Her father was an IT architect and her mother was a physician. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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