Home Again (Jackcrutchie)

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A/N: I'm dedicating this story to my friend Megan Potter, who will probably never read this, but who introduced me to the wonders of Jackcrutchie.  I both love and hate you for that, Meg.  See you in Hell.

   It was a long embrace, and a much-needed one.  Though neither of them would admit it, being pulled apart so starkly and for so long had killed them inside.  Eventually, after what could have been a few seconds or an eternity, Crutchie reluctantly pulled away, blinking in the sudden sunlight. 

   "Don't we have papes to sell, though?"

   Jack shrugged.  "It's near sunset.  No one'll buy the mornin' edition this late.  Besides," he said, smiling thinly, "bein' with you's more important now."

   They ambled towards the lodging house, the others parting to let them through.  Somewhere along the way their hands brushed, then wrapped around each other.  If anyone looked at them strangely, they didn't notice or care.  The sun was setting by the time they reached the rooftop.  Crutchie smiled weakly.

   "I'd almost forgot what it's like up here,"  he muttered.  "I mean, by the end it was just a bunch a' random memories.  Mostly just the feeling of belongin' somewhere."  He cringed and glanced away, surprised by this unplanned honesty.  Jack responded by sliding his arm around Crutchie's waist.

   "You're here now, and that's what matters.  We're safe."  He said it as if the action of repeating it out loud made it more true.  "We made it.  And nobody ever has to be that lost again."

   Crutchie continued to stare into the sunset with an almost out-of-character intensity in his eyes, though he softened a little at Jack's touch.  "Part a' me can't believe it's over,"  he said, his voice barely above a whisper.  "It was just so-" his voice faltered as he tried to find the right words.

   "I know."  Jack had begun to stare at the sky with a similar expression.  "I remember.  But it's all over now.  I know it's hard, but you gotta put it behind you.  Otherwise you'll just end up drivin' yourself crazy."  He deliberately drew his eyes back to Crutchie's face.  "Would it help to talk about it?"

   Crutchie met his gaze.  "Not really.  Not now, anyway.  We got years to talk about stuff like that.  Right now I'm just glad to be with you."  He slid an arm around Jack's waist and let his head sink into Jack's shoulder.  "It's good to be home."

Hi, everyone reading this!  Thanks  for taking time out of your busy day to read this little one-shot book.  As I said in the description, I'm not terribly experienced with fluff, so this is brand-spanking-new territory for me.  I accept and appreciate all comments and constructive criticism.  I don't have a specific post schedule set just yet, but I'll try to post often.  Thanks again for reading, and I hope you enjoy.  -Lily

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