Short Bit (Jackcrutchie as grandparents)

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  Imagine it: the two of them sitting in a threadbare but comfortable living room, surrounded by scads of adopted grandchildren (because Jack randomly took in every. Single. Street. Kid. He. Sees, all of which grew up into kind, fair-minded adults who respect everyone for who they are (because Crutchie) and who have an active interest in the arts (because Jack)). Jack is telling them some exaggerated story about the strike. "So then I go up to the Delanceys, and I says-" Crutchie starts politely masking his laughter behind a cough. "What?" "That ain't how it happened, and ya know it." "How do you know? You was in the Refuge." "I know you. And Davey told me." He reaches down and ruffles the hair of a random adopted grandchild. "He ran away like a scared little kid, and don't let nobody tell you nothin' else."  

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