Sunshine And Rainbows (Jackcrutchie)

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A/N: This takes place the morning after Jack and Crutchie move in together.  They've never slept in the same room, so they don't really know what to expect.

Crutchie was a morning person.  Jack knew this pretty well, so he wasn't surprised when Crutchie slipped out of bed long before Jack was even thinking of getting up.  Half-asleep, he heard Crutchie quietly singing to himself.  He smiled and sank into his pillow.

Half an hour later, Jack slowly got out of bed and immediately noticed a scattering of brightly-colored feathers on the floor.

"Crutchie?  D'you know why there are feathers on the floor?"

"It's...nothin', Jackie."

"Crutch, there's leaves in your hair.  Somethin' happened."

Crutchie sighed.  "Fine."  He looked over his shoulder.  "Guys, you can come out now."  Birds and rabbits immediately burst out from the closet, under the bed, behind the furniture.  A flock of butterflies flew in through the open window and several landed in Crutchie's hair.  "These are some a' my friends."

"So, you were singin' to woodland creatures."


"In the middle a' New York City."


Jack laughed.  "Well, why didn't ya tell me?"

Crutchie took a sudden interest in the floor.  "I thought you'd be weirded out."

"Are ya crazy?  You're literally a Disney princess.  This is awesome!"


"Yeah."  He paused.  "Just tell the birds not to drop feathers everywhere."

Crutchie smiled, clearly relieved.  "Okay."

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