Why Race Isn't Allowed To Have Alcohol Anymore (Sprace)

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Note:  This is based on something that happened at rehearsal once to a girl who was A) hella sleep-deprived and B) struggling with a monthlong cold.  I thought it meshed well with these characters.  This one is dedicated to Chloe, who will probably never read it, and, as always, to my girlfriend .  All the characters are of a legal drinking age because I'm a prude. Forgive the obvious drop in quality in this chapter; I've never been in a bar and I'm tired. Enjoy!

On this particular night, the Newsies had decided to go out, get a few drinks, and generally have a good time.  Race, as predicted, somehow managed to get drunk on two drinks, the cherry from Spot's cocktail, and a Sharpie.  That's not important, though.  What is is what happened after.

Spot got up and stretched for a moment.  It was such an unremarkable motion, but it sent Race's head reeling.  His eyes; the way they sparkled in the dim light.  His arms; the way his muscles rippled through his shirt.  His beautiful body.

And then he said it.

"I love you.  Sit on my face."

There was a brief and uncomfortable silence.  All eyes were on Race, except for Jack's, which were on Crutchie, and Davey's, which were on Les.  Albert poked Race's arm.  It was at this moment that they all noticed that Race was asleep with his head on the table.

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