Kitties Adventure

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"...And so the princess kissed the frog and the frog became a handsome prince, And they lived happily ever after." I finished the story as the kids fell asleep in their home. Well the only home they knew.

It never failed. The Princess and The Frog always put the kids asleep. All 23 of them for that fact. "Kitty?" I looked over to Titania our little fairy. She had a heart of gold when it came to people. She had long brown hair put into pigtails and big brown eyes just like most of the children here. "Why would the princess kiss the frog?" She asked sweetly.

"You should be sleeping Titania." I tell her sleepy form. To tell the truth I don't know how to answer. For the Princess made a deal with the frog prince in return for her golden ball.

Titania yawn and lays back down soon falling into a deep slumber. "Goodnight children." I stand silently tiptoeing out of the room into the hallway of the church.

"Angel." I paused seeing Sister Yukkiana.

"Sister." I bowed a bit showing respect.

"Child there is no need for that." I smile at her knowing full well that she knew what I was planning.

"Sister I actually wanted to talk with you." I tell her.

"Follow me." I did what I was told and followed her into the lounge room where some of us kids color and play. There on the table sat tea and bread. I sit down across from Sister.

"I know what you want to say." She started the conversation.

"Then you should know that I must be leaving soon." I tell her sadly.

"Titania and Lorne will have a hard time with this I hope you know." She said.

"I have already considered this Sister. That's why I must leave now or I will never be able to become a hero." I respond

"Your eyes say everything. I'm sure Lorne and Titania will understand. Just remember that you can come back at anytime." Tears began to form as she spoke.

"I will diffidently come back. You can count on it." I gave her a bright smile, getting up I give her a hug and pick up the small bag for that I had only a few important items. I wave a goodbye and head out into the night to my one and only friend Momo Yaoyorozu.

The normal rich kid but also the best of the best when it came to hero knowledge.

Timeskip (A/N: Originally I was going to start the story here but I thought a little background of Kitty would be good, and I do mean a little 😄🤗)

"Mufasa station, Mufasa station." I wake from the 12 hour train ride and get up and off the train. Looking at the time I see it is noon exactly when I predicted I would be here.

Off the train and into the town I see many people doing their daily life. "Ah.... I'm famished!" I stretch smelling the city air. I began on my way to Momo's when I smelled the fresh Taiyaki.

Walking to the stall I read the sign "ONLY 100 YEN!!" That was such a deal!

"Give me two please." I tell him holding up two fingers and 200 hundred yen plus extra for a tip. "Hai, Hai, mōichido kite kudasai!"

(Yes, Yes, Please come again!)

He handed me two steaming hot Taiyaki making my mouth drool with excitement. *Nom Nom Nom.*

"So delicious!" My tail behind me was swishing back and forth happily.

The sweet texture of the Taiyaki and the warm chocolate in the center giving me the burst of sweetness. So good!

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