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Sonic, the iconic blue motherfucker, was sitting amongst the sand, too distracted to look at the water. Too distracted by his ten yard long, thick blue cock, graciously stroking it in his soaking hands. Along came the times he actually wanted to touch himself, with his infected, bloodied claws and battered hands, oozing of thick puss and old cum.

But gone were the days that he could enjoy these times, for all his life journeys, friends, family, and morales had abandoned the creature, making him live to die and do anything he could to escape. As his hideous, blue legs shook and twitched at the force of his peak, he slipped a golden ring out from god-knows-where, sliding it down the shaft of his thick cock and pulling it back and forth until he broke, spewing oily, curdled cum out and into the ocean.

But he was caught off guard from his high when Brendon Urie dragged himself out of the water, stumbling up the shore, nude except for the red, glimmering kinky boots strapped on up to his thighs.

"Well fuck, last time I saw a glow stick that big it was attached to Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III." Brendon marveled, hoisting its length up and around his shoulders, the liquid remains dripping down his body.

He took the thick, frayed tip and began to drag it through the hot sand, sending another moan out of Sonic's rotting, eroded teeth.

"F-fuck.. keep doing that, Daddy." Sonic panted, his hot breath reeling of wretched, spoiled meat and coagulated flesh, causing Brendon to become lightheaded, even at the distance he was away from the source.

Whenever he was done, he stood back and stared down at the image he'd created, a picture of Carl Weezer in a t-pose, soon skewed by Sonic as he came violently again, the sickly yellow semen soaking into the sand.

Seemingly from chemical reactions, the wet, sticky sand began to boil and rise, the form of Carl Weezer escaping from the prison of the shore. The young boy then took both v o i d Sonic and Brendon and threw them into the sewers, shoving them into the filthy depths of the waste fueled hellscape.

"It's just you and me, Daddy." Sonic moaned, his writhing cock hardening and poking at Brendon's back.

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