these characters are fom emo bands btw

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"Hold it!" They both heard, Brendon being constricted by the lengths of the glow stick being wrapped around his body, threateningly close to snaking too low.

Sonic was distracted and turned to see the shape of Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III down the dark hall of the sewer, letting Brendon go and starting to run towards Pete on all fours, growling and snarling as he gained speed.

"Oh shit." Brendon mumbled, knowing Pete was next to be captured and fucked by the horrid creature. But, as Sonic took a leap off the ground, his claws extending forward, Pete dove underneath him and let Sonic pass right over him, barreling into the other room and smashing into a wall, Pete slamming the door shut as soon as the entire Sonic was inside.

"Pete.. holy fuck." Brendon said in disbelief, staring down the hall at Pete's approaching form.

"Listen, you're lucky because that's my dick, and I'm going to get it back." Pete proposed, stepping back to the door and twisting the rusted handle.

"Wait." Brendon called, stopping him from entering into his death.

"I'm helping." He said, swinging open the door to see Sonic thrusting the massive glow stick into a circular air-vent, moaning wildly and banging into the tube at an unnaturally fast speed, claws scraping deep into the metal surrounding him.

"Hey guys!" They heard yet another voice as Andy Hurley casually walked into the room, he was cut off by Pete slapping his hand over his eyes and holding him back from walking any further.

"Hey wh-"

"Sshhh, this is not for your eyes, child." Pete said calmly, putting a cookie into his mouth and carrying him back out of the room, shutting the door as he entered again.

"Alright, now what the fuck do we do about that thing." Pete continued, watching it aggressively pull back and shove the length of the glow stick deep into the tube again and again, growling and moaning so loud it caused the room to shake.

"Shoot its dick off obviously." Brendon said, pulling out his raygun and taking a shot into the base Pete's dick, causing it to break off from Sonic, catching his attention and making it turn around with narrow and glowing eyes, obviously triggered.

"Bad idea, you fuck." Pete said, backing against the wall as Sonic stalked closer.

Neither could do anything as Sonic reared up onto his feet, slowly pushing Pete halfway up the wall and holding him in place with his massive claws, breathing his noxious breath right into his face.

"Run Brendon, I'm done for." He called, not daring to fight back against Sonic, as it tore his clothes from his body.

"You locked us in." Brendon called back, hearing the vents rattle as he made his way to the opposite side of the room.

"Well fuck, this is the end, Beebo." Pete said dismal, not being able to bring himself to stare into Sonic's eyes.

"Now I thought I was gonna fuck that other emo fuck, but this! A pretty boy I got here." Sonic teased,

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