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This chapter will be spilt into 2 the first part about Niall and Liam's weekend and then the other will be Harry and Louis. This first part is Liam and Niall.

Right Lou, you going to be a good boy for harry this weekend right?" Liam asked the boy who nodded.



"We're Be Fine Li, We're going to go into town and grab some toys of some kind and maybe go to the park. Right lou?"

"Yeah, Harry said we can feed the ducks." Louis said smiling before he hugged Liam who hugged the boy back.

"Go and play lou, I'll see you on tomorrow." Liam said and Louis nodded before running off.

"I'm so nervous Haz about what I'm going to see."

"I don't think he'll try anything dodgy with You their."

"I don't think he even knows I'm coming, Niall didn't give me an answer when I asked him if he's told his dad."

"Your be fine, keep me updated though yeah."

"Yeah Course, Ni come on we need to go your dad will be waiting." Liam called out and Niall slowly appeared before grabbing onto Liam's hand. the boy had already began to shake and he hadn't even seen his dad yet.

"I'll see you tomorrow Ni." Harry said and Niall nodded before giving Harry a hug before he and Liam left the dorm Liam giving one more unsure look to Harry.

It was a very quiet walk down to the main reception part of the school where parents could collect their children to sign them out and when they entered Niall immediately caught his dads eye.

"Ah Niall, it's good to see you buddy." His dad greeted but Liam didn't miss the quiet whimper that left Niall's mouth. Liam was quite scared himself as this man was huge.

"Hi dad." Niall said quietly but not making any move towards his father.

"Well aren't you going to give your old man a hug?" He asked and however much Niall didn't want to he knew he'd be in for it if he did anything that raised suspicions as the receptionist was watching the exchange. So very reluctantly Niall walked over to his dad giving him a hug and Liam straight away noticed that it was extremely tight and he seemed to be whispering something in Niall's ear. Once the hug, if you could call it that, was over the 3 headed to the car which was when he made first contact with Liam.

"So my son said your coming with us this weekend?" Niall's dad said and Liam just nodded.

"Umm yes sir, we have a project to complete this weekend and Niall said it would be okay for me to come." Liam said although he cursed to himself when he realised he'd probably just caused Niall to get into trouble with how he's worded things.

"Well Niall seemed to have missed out that part in the conversation we had but lucky for you we have a spare room in the attic."

"Would it be okay actually if I stayed in Niall's room I mean I'm not a fan of attics you know spiders and everything." Liam said as he saw Niall's dad push his son into the car with quite some force clearly thinking Liam wouldn't think anything of it and he wouldn't if it wasn't the fact he knew exactly what was going on in Niall's homelife.

"Oh Yes Course I'll send Niall up to the attic then." He said like it was no big deal.

"I'd rather stay with Niall Sir." Liam said.

"Well that ain't happening you either take the attic or Niall's room and Niall will have the other." Niall's dad replied and Liam sighed seeing Niall was desperately trying to hold back his tears. Liam wasn't stupid he knew why Niall's dad wanted him on his own and even the thought made Liam scared for the poor boy. This was going to be a long weekend.

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