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"Look we need a long chat but can I please have a shower first." Liam said looking at Harry who just nodded.

"Li I need a shower as well." Niall said and Liam sighed as he was freezing but knew Niall was just as wet and cold.

"Alright go ahead." Liam said and Niall smiled as he slowly hobbled to the bathroom.

"Where's lou?"

"Round sams he only lives on the floor below." Harry said and Liam nodded.

"So what's happened this weekend? And why are you both soaking wet if Niall's dad dropped you off?"

"He didn't drop us off we made are own way back at like 2am and caught the train I haven't slept all night."

"Was it really that bad?" Harry asked and Liam nodded showing Harry the videos he had on his phone.

"That's horrible." Harry mumbled 15 minutes later struggling to hold back the tears.

"I know I think Niall's got a mild concussion and he's badly damaged his ribs but he won't let us take him to the nurse as he's worried about the questions she's going to ask." Liam said before rubbing his eyes.

"Okay were deal with this when your less tired." Harry said as Niall came out the bathroom and approached the pair cuddling into Harrys side.

"If you need me I'll be in bed." Liam said before heading to his room and grabbing dry clothes before heading to the bathroom.

Once he'd showered Liam wasted no time in going
To bed and was out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

"You Okay Ni?" Harry asked as he played with Niall's hair.

"It hurts." Niall whimpered and Harry nodded getting up and heading into the bathroom before rummaging around for the paracetamol. He then grabbed Niall a drink and headed back over to the sofa.

"When did Liam last Give you some of these as I know he would have?"

"About half 4." Niall said rubbing his eyes and Harry nodded handing the boy 2 more.

"They don't work?"

"Maybe Liam was right then maybe you should go to the nurse."

"But she'll ask loads of questions and I don't want my dad to get in trouble."

"Why not Ni, he's so horrible to you?"

"I know but I can still remember when he wasn't and my mum was still with us and we used to do loads of fun things together. I just want my old dad back." Niall whimpered and Harry sighed.

"I know it's hard Ni, I've been through it I would know, but wouldn't you like to have a loving family again?"

"Well Yeah I guess, but it would be something completely new and what if they don't let me stay here?"

"You'd Have a say in the matter Ni if you don't like them then you say no." Harry said but Niall shook his head.

"No my dad will get better. He can't hurt me for the rest of my life surely." Niall said and Harry sighed but let the boy snuggle back into his side as they watched a film.

Liam didn't know how long he'd been asleep when he woke up but he did know one thing. And that was he felt like complete crap. He didn't know whether it was the rain and then not showering quick enough or if he was starting to get sick before the rain but all he knew was he was sick now.

Opening his eyes he immediately closed them again when he felt a headache and that wasn't the only thing he noticed. His throat was killing and his nose was completely blocked.

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