Well hi?..(chapter 1)

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Mitch's POV

"Mum I'm going to the Forest!" I yell as I grab my bag and begin to run out the back which led to the abounded bacca forest,my dad always said never to go there but I had to.

Adam,Ty,Jason and Tyler (brotato) invited me to a camping trip and when I told my dad he began he's little carry on,on how the forest is infested with terrible creatures that would kill me but would I listen to that kind of shit?,nope..

I finally get to the edge of the forest where they said we'd meet up but I guess they went ahead since there footprints were leading into the forest.i began to follow them Into a large sync area that looked perfect of where we could meet up.

"God damn Adam" I mutter as I place my bag my down and grab my phone to start dialling Adams phone.


A few bushes Rustled from my left causing me to shut my phone down and look that way.

"Adam,Jason,Ty!,come out this isn't funny!" I shout as I pick my bag up and walk over to the sounds source.the sound stopped as I entered the edge of the dark forest making it seem more tense and like someone was watching me.

I looked around before walking forward slightly and walking over branches.

I looked up at a tree to see a figure looking down at me with pricing yellow and orange eyes making me scream and run backwards,falling backwards and landing on the cold,wet surface of the forest flora.

"WHO ARE YOU!" I yelled as I threw a stick at the figure,he didn't seem to take much care at my 'weapon' and continued to watch me from the high tree tops.

The figure jumped down from the trees and landed perfectly on the ground,slowly crawling up to me.i tried shuffling back before placing my hand in a patch of prickly things.

The figure was by now just sitting at my feet watching my movement with the same yellow piercing eyes.i sat up slightly and leaned forward,placing my hand on its head and gliding my hand down.

The 'thing' began purring and moving its head around as if It were a cat enjoying a good pat,but this thing was way to big to be a small cat.i sat up properly and continued to pat the things head,hoping it would lean forward or something.my hand traveled higher till it reached its ear I think,it felt hard and..bloody?.

Was it attacked?

I removed my hand making the thing come forward to make me continue my treatment but I guess the thing regretted it really quickly.it ran back up the tree clinging up into a high,thick branch growling and hissing everytime I'd come or move forward.

I quickly grabbed my torch out of my bag and shined it up at the figure making it wince and fall back out of the tree.i ran over to where the figure fell to reveal a amazing looking animal...I just forgot the name of it tho.

"What are you?" I asked as I picked the animal up carefully.it looked at me in a shocked look as I grabbed its paw and helped it up.

I stepped back as the animal casted a strange brown and orange mist around its self,as the mist cleared away there stood a properly standing and dressed animal.

"I'm Jerome" it said cheerfully,it chocked me to notice the quick change of personality of this animal."h..hi" I stuttered as I walked closer towards 'Jerome',they were probably a little taller then me.hes eyes scanned my body in a strange way as if he was undressing me with he's eyes."can I help you?" I ask as I begin to walk close towards the bacca.

"Can you help me with something" he asks as he takes my hand and pulls me forward so I was laying up against him.

"Uhm with"

He smiled a sky smile before reaching for something in he's pocket."your my new test subject" he growls as he holds a potion behind he's head and smash it onto my head,making my vision blur...

Now I understand what my dad was talking about..

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