Chapter 5

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Jeremy had an hour plane ride home. He tried to sleep to keep his mind off of things, but they only showed up in his dreams. He called Franky before his flight to pick him up. Franky was confused but didn’t ask questions until he saw him.

Jeremy jumped in the car and tossed his bag in the backseat.

“Did it help?” Franky said as he pulled off to the airport exit.

“Not really.” Jeremy said shaking his head. “Hopefully time will make things better up here.” He said tapping his head.

“Okay Jerm.” Franky patted his shoulder. “It will. You’ll get through this.”

Franky didn’t bother to take Jeremy home, he went straight to his own house. He still didn’t feel it was a good idea to leave Jeremy alone. Franky wasn’t sure if he was over reacting or being just the right amount of cautious with Jeremy. Jeremy hadn’t commented on how his friend was treating him so no one brought it up.

For the time being Franky had taken over all of Jeremy’s work responsibilities. It was almost time to collect rent and they were closing a deal on more property months in the making. Jeremy hadn’t so much as thought of work since Alexia’s death, so Franky was left to decide it all on his own. He had always been Jeremy’s right hand man in every decision. Jeremy never made a decision without seeing the pros and cons Franky always thought of. Most people had a whole team devoted to making decisions while Jeremy had Franky; the only person he trusted.

As a few more weeks pasted Jeremy slowly found himself coming to grips with reality. He began to think about work again and all the things he missed. His biggest step though was living in his house again. He wondered through each room in the house that had collected dust. Everything was exactly as he left it, except one room. He hadn’t seen the bedroom since she last left it. He put his hand on the door knob and imagined her perfume seeping through the door like it always did. For a moment he could still smell the Romance scent he’d bought her last Christmas.

Slowly he turned the knob and closed his eyes as he walked in. he stood in the doorway holding his eyes shut for a few more moments preparing himself to look.


He quickly opened his eyes and his memories flashed back to the last time they were together in this room. Alexia’s pajamas still laid on the bed and her towel on the bedpost. Jeremy wasn’t sure if it was in his head or if her perfume still lingered in the room.

The bed remained undone and everything had collected dust. He slowly walked over to the bathroom and her makeup and toiletries remained spread out on her side of the double sink. He looked up at himself in the mirror. Jeremy did not recognize the man he saw. This man was sad with bags and dark circles under his eyes. Jeremy has never looked in this mirror and seen himself disappearing. He has always been happy and full of life looking in this mirror. Now he had lost at least fifteen pounds not eating and hardly ever sleeping.

He looked away not wanting to see what everyone else saw when they looked at him.

Jeremy went to the kitchen to pour himself a drink; this was more than he could take. He took a seat on his couch and dust came up as he sat down. He ignored it.

He thought about what he should do next. What was his next step? So many things crossed his mind, he didn’t know what was right. Jeremy picked up the phone and called Franky to toss out his thoughts.

“Do you think I should sell the house?”

Franky sat there numbly. He had grown used to Jeremy’s random line of thoughts over the weeks. Sometimes he wondered how Jeremy would have been able to make business decisions without him. Soon Franky learned to figure out what Jeremy thought by answering his questions with questions.

“Do you want to sell your house?” Franky said.

“I’m not sure. I mean I love this house. She loved this house. It’s where we have so many memories. I’m just not sure if I can stand to be reminded of it every moment I live here.”

Franky sighed. “I know. You can sell, remodel, or rent.”

Franky knew Jeremy didn’t want to give this place up, he just had to make him realize it himself.

“Do you really want someone else living in your memories?”

Jeremy took a minute to think. “Your right, I don’t. That’s why I have you Franky. You’re the voice of reason. “ he sipped his whisky as he stared at the wall. “So how’s the deal going?”

“Good all the paperwork is almost done.”

“Good. We should build an apartment complex next. A nice one. I’m not sure where though.”

This was how Jeremy always came with ideas; randomly, but they made him money.

 “Okay after we get this property rented we can look for land for a complex.” Franky said.

“What is your view on me dating again?’

“You’re not ready. Please don’t find a rebound girl. You’ll end up with a gold digger.”

“You’re right. I’m not ready. I met this girl at the airport. She seemed nice, but I didn’t get her number. She was kind of pretty and seemed to understand what I was going through.”

“That’s good, should have gotten her number. You don’t need to date though, you just need someone to talk to.”

Jeremy sighed. “That’s what I have you for. Don’t know where I’d be without you man.”

“Okay don’t get all emotional on me Jeremy.” Franky laughed. “So have you been there at all?”

“Nope. I’ve been thinking about it. It’s hard. It’s just where she is. She is actually there Franky. She’s there and I cant see her. How am I supposed to deal with that? I just want to see her one last time and hold her and tell her how much I love her. I want to inhale the scent of her hair and perfume one last time.”

Jeremy put his head down trying to remember his promise to himself; no more tears.

Franky couldn’t stop himself from his own tears. Not only did he miss Alexia but he couldn’t stand to see his best friend in this much misery not knowing when it’s going to end.

“Sorry man.” Franky said getting up to wipe his face in the bathroom.

Jeremy realized he never really thought at how this was affecting Franky. Max was his best friend a well and Jeremy forgot that. Franky was just taking care of him and no one took care of Franky in his time of loss. Jeremy stood up and went to the bathroom. Franky was sitting on the toilet with his head in his hands.

“Look Franky, I’m sorry I’ve been completely selfish the past few weeks. I forgot you suffer the loss of her too, not just me. You need comfort too and I’m so sorry, I forgot.”

Franky shook his head and kept crying.

“It’s okay man. I’ve been trying really hard. I just know it’s harder on you, so I try to take care of you and everyone else that grieves too.”

Jeremy wasn’t sure how to handle things like crying. Jeremy has never really seen Franky cry, he’s always been a happy person. So he sat down on the floor next to his all to sucking up his own sorrows to talk to Franky about how he’s feeling instead.

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