Chapter 3

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This one is kinda long I just wanted to get the greiving out of the way.

Chapter 3

One month Alexia kept telling herself, one month to go. After eleven years I will finally be married to Jeremy. She went over the wedding day a million times in her head. The walking down the aisle, the vows, the I dos, the reception, the honeymoon, it all played out in her mind over and over for years. The thought of it actually happening was almost overwhelming, but it was her desire and she would not be shaken. Something that amused Alexia was the fact that she had been with the same man for so long and she still found herself daydreaming about him and always thinking of him. Yeah she could focus on other things but if there was nothing that considered real thought, her mind wondered back to him for no particular reason at all. Unlike some people she was never unsure of where her heart was or where it belonged. She was never able to look at another man the way she looked at Jeremy, he just took her breath away.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

First the time was going by too slow, now it was too fast. It was just over a week until the wedding. Alexia started worrying things weren't done. She called her wedding planner at least seven time a day to make sure every detail was taken care of and ready to go. She was constantly reassured everything was going great and would be in its place at the right moment. Alexia didn't want be a bridezilla so she tried to be as nice as possible and apologize every time she called. By the end of the day she rationalized with herself so she could sleep without annoying Jeremy, but the second she woke up she was worrying again.  

Exactly one week left and Alexia gets a call from Julia, the planner, there was a problem with the flowers. Just what she needed, more to worry about. The storm outside was one the worst she had ever seen, she hated driving in the rain but this was necessary. She wasn't about to let flowers ruin her wedding.  

The flower shop was not her favorite, she had to go around a very narrow curve she always thought would make the car tilt over. Without too much thought she rushed over she just wanted whatever the problem they were having to be fixed. She went speeding, but barely paid any attention to the rain pouring down outside so fast her wipers could barely keep up. She was coming to that dreaded curve and she told herself: 'Just this one time your almost there' she repeated as it approached. Her chant was disturbed by her phone vibrating in her lap, it was Jeremy. Without another thought she pressed the gas pedal and stopped paying attention to her speed around the curve as she tried to answer her phone. Before she could place the phone to her ear she glanced up noticing she was going faster than she wanted to, she tried to slow down but her tires locked and she lost control in seconds.  

On the other line Jeremy wondered why she hadn't said anything yet. Then he heard it her screams as she tried to gain control over the car but failed. "JEREMY!" she screamed. He yelled her name back and tried to ask what was going on, but all he got were her screams then the line disconnected.

The call was over, Jeremy just looked at his phone with his mouth open. He stood there for a moment of shock then it clicked in his head to call nine-one-one. He wasn't sure what happened exactly but he had a feeling it was bad and he wasn't ready to except the worst.  

After nine-one-one he called his best friend Franky because he didn't know what he would do if he was alone too long. Since he lived around the corner he came to Jeremy's aide in minutes.  

Franky was extremely nervous, he knew if something had happened to Max, Jerm would need to have someone constantly around, he was in love with her for eleven years and he wasn't sure if he knew how to move on, or find another direction in his life. They waited together, but Jerm couldn't stop moving or pacing, but Franky couldn't do nothing but sit and chew his finger nails. Franky had known them the same amount of time, he had worked with them in the supermarket, its where they all met.  

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