Chapter 1

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Ok this chapter is just more of introduction to introduce you to the main character and to give a littel background into thier past life. Through out the story you will get flashbacks and what not. Dont worry it will get somewhere lol

I dedicated this one to Mera2876 for helping me a lottttttt with fixing this chapter up.

Chapter 1

Jeremy Preston and Alexia Varga have been undeclared best friends since the tender age of fifteen. Now they were both twenty seven years old and months away from their wedding. Alexia bugged Jeremy every day about the little things left for the planner to do as she has been planning this wedding for almost 2 years. He always said "Whatever makes you happy Max." He hated when she tried to involve him so much over the little things she knew he wouldn't even notice at the ceremony or reception. But she always just replied "Its supposed to make you happy, too." matching his level of sarcasm. Either way he didn't care as long as she had a smile on her face he was truly happy.

Jeremy and Alexia (whom Jeremy nicknamed Max years before to avoid her family's hated nickname of Alex which was the name of his least favorite cousin.) never lived for the extravagant things in life even though they had the money for a high class life style. They lived for the little things like dancing on the massive dining room table in their pajamas or even sliding down the hallway of the house in socks and falling into each other on the floor again and again.

They did the oddest things together but there no one they could enjoy such silly moments with. They never liked being away from each other much but when they were separated it gave them time to miss each other.

They were the couple everyone envied because they fit so perfectly in every way. Arguments weren't a problem, they always understood different points of view, instead of imposing one on the other. Some say they were an odd looking couple. Alexia was Slender with brown skin and green eyes. Her hair was wavy, black as night and sat on her shoulders. She was rather tiny maybe five feet three inches. Jeremy was white, pale compared to Alexia, his hair was a rich dark brown and had eyes to match. He wasn't the kind to bother much with his hair, he just wore it naturally flat. At five feet eleven, Jeremy was considered tall and he rarely had to work out to keep his lean shape . Many people who were stuck in the past thought that the multi-racial couple looked odd together, but to them there was no difference.

Alexia's mother, Nicola, was not too happy when she found out her sixteen year old daughter was dating a white boy, and Alexia didn't make things easy by bringing him home before telling her mom about him. Jeremy was already nervous but went straight scared when the little Spanish he had learned in school let him realize that the heated discussion Alexia was having with her mother contained a couple of dozen uses of the word "bitch" by the two of them.

Feeling it would be best to make himself scarce while they finished arguing, Jeremy headed into the kitchen to hide out.The kitchen was old-fashioned and an overpowering combination of various shades of yellow; the linoleum floor was yellow, the wallpaper was covered in sunflowers, and what little countertop that could be seen was decorated in a yellow daisy pattern. The room's only window was directly over the sink and there was very little counter space available to either side. With the stove taking up the far right end of the counter and the microwave crowding out the left side, there was very little room left for preparing food. The rest of the kitchen was filled with a well-used refrigerator and a dining table which was surrounded by more chairs than the table was meant for.

Ten minutes later Alexia came back to the kitchen and stood a foot away.

"Sorry" she had said "My mother is crazy, I told her you were a Christian, so if she asks, you go to church all the time."

"I am Christian and I go to church about every other Sunday with my parents, they even have Bible studies every Saturday, I think I mentioned this before."

Jeremy remembered having this conversation with her at work when they first met, but that was months ago. Either it skipped her mind or she wasn't listening too well.

"Oh I think I remember, I mostly looked at your lips move, I didn't always hear what was coming out."

"I see" he told her.

Her mother was the worst of it. He had feared her father, but she promised he was more sensible and tolerant. He was not the judgmental type, but her brothers were like any other but friendly, they didn't see him as a threat. She had one sister, but lucky for him she was only six.

Jeremy's mother was frightened when she found out her son was dating a young spanish girl. She had worried about her getting pregnant or any other stereotypes Jeremy hated with a passion. He knew Alexia wasn't like that in the least bit. Jeremy's father was as crazy as his mother and always tried to preach to him about safe sex like this was his first girlfriend. He talked to his family, five brothers included, about Alexia and all the stereotypes were brought out. His brothers always jumped to his defense, they had already met and approved of Alexia, they always hung around the super market they worked at.

All in all over the last twenty two years the families have come to love each other, they didn't need marriage to seal the fact that they were family, all stereotypes were set aside.

Jeremy was determined to go to college right after high school, if he could he would have started college the day after graduation and Alexia would have too. They never seemed to hold each other back if they had to go separate ways to better themselves for the future they did so. When college came they were in the same state but practically at opposite ends. They were sure to reserve as many weekends for each other but didn't let it get in the way of their priorities.

Jeremy went to school for business, management and anything he could learn to own his own businesses, Alexia loved fashion but also liked to be in charge and attentive to everything, so she aimed to be an editor.

One thing they were good at was making things happen. Jeremy came to own a few bars and shopping centers, making all the money he needed. At the age of 18 he decided he marry Alexia, but he hadn't mentioned it to her, yet. So when he came to owning his own bars at a very young age , he set aside a large some of money and called the account other until he planned on proposing. He wanted Max to have the wedding of her dreams with no budget to consider, soon he started racking in the money and his other account said a million dollars.

It was time to propose, that part he didn't have all figured out. He kept trying to invent new ways to ask her but every idea he had came from a movie they had seen, he wanted to be original.

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