The "Seed" War

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So from this point on, there will be conflict between good (God and those that follow God) and evil (satan and those that don't follow God). The next sentence is the crucial one which tells us where this coming conflict will end, "He" will bruise the serpent's head but "You" (the serpent) will manage to bruise the heel of Eve's offspring, this mysterious "He".  

Knowing the symbolism behind this prophecy now, the conclusion we arrive at shouldn't be a surprise; this prophecy not only talks about an intense war that will be going on across heaven and earth involving both spiritual and physical beings, but it shows us that despite this conflict that will stretch across millennia, there WILL one day come a person from the "seed" of Eve that will crush the head of the serpent or put an end to the evil of satan. This will come at the cost of this person actually "losing" to the serpent at one point. A perfect saying for this would be "you may have won the battle but you haven't won the war". Jesus is this seed that will come to the world and be bruised or crucified. This makes it appear as if satan actually won but in fact he allows Jesus to fulfill his purpose and gives humanity power to loose satan's chains of control over their lives. And one day Jesus will return to the earth and put an end to satan and his evil once and for all. This is the meaning behind this quick verse and prophecy.  

Now imagine this: God at this point is both talking to Eve - giving her hope for the future - and to satan - spelling out his demise. How do you think satan would react to this? Satan or rather, Lucifer - the anointed cherub - is a supernatural being that is intelligent and grasped the meaning behind God's prophetic words (Ezekiel 24:13-15). He does have power and knowledge far beyond that of a flesh and blood human being, but it doesn't stack up to God's infinite knowledge. After hearing these words he stops at nothing to make sure that God's words never come true (as futile as this is). It shouldn't surprise you that soon after we get to Cain and Abel and we see that Cain has killed his brother...the seed of the women (Genesis 4:8). Coincidence? A couple chapters later and God says that all flesh on earth is corrupted. Again, this isn't a coincidence. Correctly understanding the events that unfold in Genesis and also WHY they happen allows everything to come together on its own. It's not an exaggeration when I say this quick moment in Genesis 3:15 kicks off thousands of years of conflict in human history in the Bible that's only finally put to an end right before eternity begins in Revelation when satan is cast into the lake of fire for all eternity (Revelation 20:10).

When we put all this together we see that the flood story isn't a simple story about how some humans on earth were bad and God decided to put an end to them because he didn't like them, but what the Bible truly shows us is the start of a war that gives context to literally the rest of the Bible. To simplify things, once Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they lost their direct relationship with him. God tells them they messed up, BUT he let's them know that he's got it covered and he'll fix humanity's mistake. The only con to this though is that to fix that mistake completely will take thousands of more years, and this is what the devil capitalizes on. Without this specific context I find it odd how anything else could make sense after this point, which is where the issue lies; the majority of people don't have this context and therefore find Genesis and other parts of the Bible to be confusing. With this though, we know why this "war" starts, who the key players are ,and we see the first outcome of this war through the angels who come to earth to mess with the human gene pool.

What appears to be a fairly "basic" story turned random with God wiping out the world is in fact a "chess match" of events that are a part of this war. The reason the angels came to earth to specifically take wives and mate with them is to corrupt all of the human DNA on the planet. Doing this will result in God's prophecy of a coming messiah to be null and void if they are able to make the earth filled with human/angel hybrids.

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