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Read and get to know me 😛

Hello and to anyone who didn't read my other books on my other page, I'm Kayla :) and that is me in the media above.

Guess my grade! 

I was born in Houston Texas, I no longer live here but I visit every once and then cause I still have aunts and cousins , and my other grandparents.

After my 6/7 Grade relationship with his boy (who was my first love) he damaged me completely.  My sister was already liking girls so I took after her. I'm not FULLY into girls like lesbian but I do prefer girls over guys . I just like who I like.

I do not wear makeup so im the picture i didnt have any ome at all. I do wear makeup but not a lot, I don't really think I need it I'm comfortable wearing non but sometimes I do like yk putting on the foundation, mascara, highlight more like a natural look with a light red or purple for eyeshadow. 

I think I'm a very kind hearted person. I had to make some sacrifices for my mom, which involved me letting her sell my baby for money (AKA My iPhone) At one point I was nervous to say that I let my mama sell my phone for money so I'd say I "broke it" as yall can see from the 1st chapter, i swear I almost cried cause I had so many messages between certain people who were special to me and I had to give them up but at the end of the day I don't regret it. So I can understand when soemone is having a tough time and won't judge cause I've been in the same position once . 

I'm kind of "handy cap" not really but I say I am sometimes cause I do have a heart condition and it can be serious at time causing me to be in and out of the hospital, just like I am now.
So I understand anyone with medical issues. 

I have been adopted twice both by family members so I can relate to anyone who has also been adopted.

I have a nephew who's 3 and i hsvent seen him since December sometimes I hide how much I miss him. his mother is literally crazy and won't let us see him, idk how many of yall has been through that but I can relate.

I've had 3 mom's:   1)birth mom 2)Aunt/only mother figure 3) Aunts daughter/ my NEW mom... my aunt/only mother figure died when I was 7 from breast Cancer. So I can relate.

As yall can see I've been through a lot and I understood more then most my age.Ik some of yall might think I'm crazy for sharing my information like this but someone out there doesn't have anyone to talk to, no friends and if they do they don't know how they feel casue they've never experienced it first hand like you have.

So if you need to talk to someone or just want a friend message me. I not on wattpad like i should so ima be late with responding so just leave you name and number. 

More of me will be in the media 😊
Yall fill free to message me anytime
Btw I'm going to the 9th grade this year!!

Much Love- Kayla 💛

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