「 ONE - 'MADMAX' 」

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"no, no, no, no, no! i hate this overpriced bullshit, son of a bitch! piece of shit! " dustin said angrily, hitting and kicking the dragon's lair arcade machine.

"you're just not nimble enough, but you'll get there one day. but until then, princess daphne is still mine! " lucas said, smiling widely and giggling.

" you know what, whatever. im still tops on centipede and dig dug. " dustin said.

" you sure about that? " keith said.

" sure about what? " dustin said, his eyes widening and looked around right after that.

"you're kidding me, no no no no no no no no no no no, no! " dustin said, rushing to the dig dug arcade machine.

"seven hundred fifty-one thousand and three hundred points! " will said.

"thats impossible. " mike said, looking at the name next to the score.

" who's madmax? " dustin said, looking over to keith.

" better than you. " keith replied, eating a piece of cheeto.

" is it you? " will asked, while dustin raises his middle finger to keith.

" pfft. you know i despise dig dug. " keith replied, eating another piece of cheeto.

"them who is it? " lucas asked.

" if you want information, i need something in return. " keith said, and suddenly all of the boys looked at mike.

" no, no no no no way! you're not getting a date with her. " mike complained.

" mike, cmon. just get him the date. " lucas said.

" but im not prostituting my sister! " mike complained.

" but its for a good reason. " lucas said.

" y-you know what don't get him the date, you know why, he's gonna spread his nasty ass rash to your whole family. " dustin said.

"acne isnt a rash and it isn't contagious you waste toid. " keith replied.

" oh so im a waste toid? " dustin said.

" who do you i think it is? 'madmax'? " will asked to mike privately.

" i dont know, probably some douchebag that hired someone else to beat dustin's record. " he replied.

" ugh whatever. if you want to know who she is, she's going to be here at around 10 am on sunday or today. " keith replied.

" she? " mike asked.

" yeah, she. " keith replied.

"but girls dont play video games! " mike said.

" hey thats sexist! " the girl that had pale white skin, ocean blue eyes and fire red hair said while she went to the dig dug arcade machine.

" lets see you play then. " dustin said to the girl.

" you know what, lets go to a battle. if i win, you would have buy me something i want. if i lose, i would have to buy something you want. " the redhead said.

" deal. " dustin said.

the redhead started playing okay, not great but not bad.

" pfft. i can beat that. " dustin said.

" oh really? " the redhead said, she then started playing greatly, better than dustin.

" woah woah woah. " dustin said, his eyes widening.

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