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          *****Alex's pov*****

I'm surprised that they all came here so quickly.That dum ass Reynolds.AAHH!!Why do I even listen to him.I sigh I put my head on someone arm.Then I look up it's Thomas.I look at the clock it's 11:00.I guess he just stayed here.I feel a little blush come on my face..No I don't like him.
He just helped me...I don't like him..Yeah I don'tttt....Ahh!! Why do we even have feelings!Whatever...

*****Jefferson's pov*****

I decide to stay here with Alexander. I fall asleep I wake up and I see him awake.
"So how are you feeling." I said.
"Fine but thanks for asking."he said with a slime.
"Why do you let Reynolds do that to you. You know you can tell Washington right." I say.
"He might hurt me. In highschool him and Ekar almost killed me." He said with tears in his eyes. I pull him closer.

"Well then I will tell him and tell him to not to tell Reynolds who told." I said.
"O-ok." He said nodding his head.
"Well I am gonna go tell him now and the nurse says you can go home tomorrow ok." I say.
"Ok, thanks Thomas."he says waving goodbye.
"Your welcome."I wave back. As I am walking to my car I feel a blush on my face.I let it be.

              ~~~~Te time skip~~~~

I have no classes today so that's nice.I should probably tell Washington that Alex will come back tomorrow. So I walk in and I see him at his desk.
"Mr. Washington can I speak to you."I said.
"Sure what do you need." He says smileing.
"Alex is in the hospital and will come back tomorrow. But he is in there because well he tried to kill himself because of Reynolds. He was saying terrible things to Alex and I was wondering if you could move him, Alex, and everyone else so it wouldn't seem weird. Cause Alex is scared that Reynolds will hurt him. So can you?"I said.
"Wow this is a lot but yes I will and talk to him but I won't tell him who told." He said seriously.
"Ok thank you Mr. Washington." I said walking out the door waving.
"No problem." He said waving back.

            *****Alex's pov*****

It's been awhile since Thomas left.Why did I do that.I know my friend love me like there family.
Then I hear the door open. It's Thomas. Thank god I thought it was Reynolds or someone else.
"Well good new Washington said he would move you and everyone else and talk to Reynolds about it. But I told him not to tell Reynolds who told him about it."He said with a smile. I like his smile it was...nice.

"Really thank you Thomas for everything you have done for me." I said hugging him. 
"Don't worry about it."I said hugging him back.

Sorry that was short but I am tired. But Happy 4th of July everyone!!

I think I am in love again •jamilton•Where stories live. Discover now