Check In? Check Out?

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Tessla woke up in a quiet room. The walls were a pale yellow, a stark contrast to the whimsical blues, pinks and purples her room was. The walls were blank, no drawings, stickers nor decorations had graced the sickly pale walls. It was bare. Plain. Boring.

"Iton?" Tessla called out. Silence greeted her. If Iton wasn't responding, he must of had a good reason why. Tessla looked to the floor of the room. It was tiled black and white and probably had a thin layer of dust. There were no papers, paint splatters or pencils. No furniture either, aside from the bed she laid on. The sheets were white. More plain, boring attributes of the room started to unnerve Tessla.

"Iton?" She called again. No response.

"Iton?!" She cried. A door appeared on the south facing wall. Tessla got up from the bed and walked over to the door. She opened it tentatively, almost afraid of what she would find on the other side. The opened door revealed a dark teal abyss.

"Hello?" Tessla called into the new room. She took a step forward in and fell. No floor?!

"Ahhh!!" She screamed, eyes closed in terror. Her decent stoped suddenly. No pain. Nothing broken.

"Where am I?" Tessla asked quietly. Small doodles of cats, dogs, fish, and other animals floated around. Butterflies fluttered along gracefully. Small clouds bunched up above her. None of them looked stormy at all.

"Hello? Iton?" She called for her friend once more. The red orb of light nowhere to be seen or heard.

"Guess he's not here either." Tessla sighed to herself. She got up and dusted herself off. Suddenly a new voice piped up.

"Hiya there miss!" Tessla turned around a little startled.

"Woah!" She gasped. "Wait, who are you?" Tessla looked to what was before her. It was simmilar to Iton, but it wasn't him. A blue orb of light, a brilliant bright blue.

"Oh, you can call me Ronnie!"

Hey guys! I hope you like it, i stayed up waaaay longer than i should have writing this. So i apoligize for any spelling errors.

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