Chapter Twelve

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A/N Lord i haven't updated this book in 200 years damn, but I'm feeling kind of inspired so I guess I'll go for it! Sorry lmao school is just so stressing and busy so yeahhhh

Forgetting about something important.. Something in the car...


Time: 10:38


I yawn, and I realize where I am. I am at my dorm, and laying in bed. "Jesus, why is it so heavy?" I think to myself. I open my eyes and I notice there's an arm wrapped around me, and a leg around my body.

"what the hell" I say

I look at the member's face when I notice it's Jin hyung. "What is he doing with me here IN BED?" I want to get out but his arm and his leg are  wrapped around me really tightly.

"G-get off me, you ate too much food. Jesus!" I take his leg off from me and push away his body.
"ever heard of personal space?"
I say feeling like a boss.

I get out of bed, and I start waking up the other members. I walk to their other rooms and yell:
"wake up guys! It's 10:46 lazy asses."

Except for Yoongi, I'm just going to let him sleep. Because I don't want him to break my controller again like last time.

When I walk back to my dorm, I realize Taehyung isn't in his bed. And it looks like he hasn't even slept in it at all.

Jungkook: "he's probably already downstairs and made his bed, yeah"

"jungkook.. Who are you talking to?.."

I hear Jimin saying, realizing I said that out loud and not in my head.

Jungkook: "Oh, nobody. I was talking to myself. I'm just wondering where Taehyung is. Since he clearly isn't in his bed."

Jimin: "I guess he's probably just downstairs eating or just playing some Overwatch."

Namjoon: "I'M ALREADY TRACER!!!"

Jungkook: "He'd better not beat my high score that punk!"

Yoongi: "Shut up... I'm trying to s l e e p.."

Jungkook: "Oh sorry... anyways, I'm just going to look downstairs now."

I say when I head downstairs, hoping Taehyung would just be there sitting on the sofa. But i didn't hear anything aside from the creaking of the stairs.

"Taehyung?" I yell. "Are you here?"

I look at the television. But it's turned off. There is clearly no sign of Taehyung to be seen. My hands start to shake for no reason. 'Could he be pulling a prank on me?'

I start looking around the house, but I am getting more and more hopeless.

"Taehyung.. wherever you are, this isn't fucking FUNNY!"

No response.. this is only getting worse.. shit! I hear footsteps coming down from the stairs. I turn around really quickly, hoping it would be him.. "TAEHYUNG!" ..but I realize, that isn't Taehyung. It's Jimin.

Jimin: "Jungkook? Isn't Taehyung here?

I look at Jimin with watery eyes. "N-no..."

Jimin: "He's probably outside right now, getting some fresh air. Don't worry. And if you're planning on going outside, I think you should change clothing then.

Jungkook: "O-oh yeah right. I can't go outside like this. Hang on"

I ran upstairs and took some clothes, i changed into them really quickly. I ran downstairs and put on my shoes and my jacket. I opened the door and ran outside searching for Taehyung.

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