Chapter 7

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"So, the cops found something, but then didn't?"

"Yep, but they are still working on it, Sir."

"Ehh, ok. This is better than what those other idiots found."

~Taehyung pov~

"Yeah, spanking, that normally works with Jimin, unless he's horny, which I highly doubt Jungkook is horny." Yoongi answered. "Ok..." I said. "Just don't do it to hard. About 10 should be fine." He said. "Ok, thanks." I said. I hung up and found Jungkook sitting in the living room. I walked into the living room and walked in front of him. "Jungkook, are you gonna tell me now?" I asked. He shook his head. I sighed. "Do you want spankings?" I asked. His eyes widened. "N-no." He answered. "I said I'd never hurt you, but I won't hesitate to punish you. Now, this is a big situation we are in, are you going to tell me now?" I asked. He hesitated to answer. He then looked down and shook his head. I sighed and forcefully grabbed his wrists. I pulled him behind me up the stairs. He didn't fight, he just followed, slowly. I walked into our bedroom and walked to the bed. I sat down and threw him over my lap. He whimpered. I pulled his pants and boxers down. I lightly rubbed his but and then smacked my hand down hard. He flinched and tears formed in his eyes. "Count, 1." I said. I did it again. "T-two." He said, crying.









I pulled his boxers and pants up. I then pulled him into my lap and rubbed his back. He buried his face into my chest and cried. I felt my shirt become wet with his tears. "Shhh, calm down. Kookie, you understand why I did it, right?" I asked. "Y-yes, S...Sir." He answered. I hated it when he called me Sir, but, I dealt with it when he said it. I rubbed his back and whispered comforting thighs into his ear. I kissed his head and ran my fingers through his hair. 20 minutes later, he stopped crying. I lied him down in the bed and covered him up. "Sleep." I said. He nodded and sniffled. I bent down and kissed his lips. He kissed back. I then pulled away and ruffled his hair and smiled. He offered a small smile. I walked out of the room and downstairs. I walked into the living room and turned on the news. "The 'missing hybrid' has still not been found. Police and investigators believed Mr. Kim, from the Kim industry, had him but now have found out he didn't. They are now focused on the woods, thinking he was lost or attacked by a wild animal...." I then fell asleep listening to the news.

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