The Sorting Hat: Part 2

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A few names were called after Yugo's. A few more were called before Dally had heard his name get called.

"Tristepin Percedal!"

Professer McGonagall said. Dally went up to the chair and sat down a little to quickly and fell of. A few laughs came from the Brotherhood and the rest of the crowd. He hastily got back up and sat on the chair. The hat was placed in his head and after two more seconds than an Iop can count it called out,


Dally hopped of the chair abd huried over to the Gryffindor table to join a friend he had made while waiting in the huddled group. Minerva said multiple names and multiple children were sorted before she got to Amalia. McGonagall looked at the paper in suprise and loudly exclaimed,

"Amalia Sheran Sharm!"

A few teachers and students went wide eyed as Amalia happily walked up and sat down. The hat was placed on her head and simply said "Hmm." After a few minutes of deliberating the hats voice echoed throughout the room.


Amalia smiled and walked joyfully over to Yugo and sat down next to him. Ruel's jaw dropped as he said under his breath,

"How in the world?"

About eleven names were called before the last member of the Brotherhood was called.

"Ruel Stroud!"

Professer McGonagall declared. Under her breath she quietly,

"Oh boy. That's Moumoune's grandson."

The hat wiggled on Ruel's head and quickly declared,


Adami quietly grimaced as Ruel walked over and sat next to him. The group of new children slowly went doen until there were only to children left. Yugo and the other members of the Brotherhood gasped when they saw the two remaining boys. Oropo and Qilby.

The sorting hat almost instantly declared that they were both in Slytherin. Ruel and Adami looked at eachother and then looked at Yugo who was visibly worried about what the two of them might try to do. Adami and Ruel moved away from the insane Eliatrope and the Eliotrope. Oropo and Qilby quietly discused plans of different sorts.

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