The Dorms:Ravenclaw

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Eva entered the Ravenclaw common room quietly. The Ravenclaw prefect noticed her wondering around and he quickly ran over to her. He held is hand out to shake hers and he said,

"Hello. You must be one of the new first years. Evangeline?"

Eva nodded taking his hand in hers and shaking it.

"I'm Bane Tinkesse. It's nice to meet a fellow 'muggle' born in ravenclaw."

"It's nice to meet you too, Bane."

Eva smiled and took her hand back. Bane gestured to her to walk forward with him towards some other first year ravenclaw students. Bane is a fifth year ravenclaw and is the capitan of the ravenclaw quidditch team. These few facts are made obvious to Eva as she walks with him to the rest of the group. A girl named Irma walked over to Eva when Bane stopped walking. Irma smiled at Eva and signed,

"Hello. I'm Irma Yersooth. Im a first year like you. I'm deaf. I'll take you off of Bane's hands since he isn't allowed in the girls dormitory."

Eva, suprised by Irma, smiled at her at spoke while signing,

"It's nice to meet you, Irma. Lets go."

Bane, with a small smile on his face, said as the two were running off,

"M-make sure you up early! Potions starts at 8!"

Irma lead Eva into the girls dormitory and took her to the bed next to hers. Irma giggled as Eva unpacked some of her things. Unlike most ravenclaw students Irma and Eva had frogs for pets. Eva's frog was an abnormally large glass frog and Irma's was an abnormally tough turtle frog. A few other girls in the dormitory introduced themselves to Eva and Irma and went back to their own business. Irma went over to Eva's bed and sat next to her. Eva signed above Irma's face, 

"Do you have any friends in other houses that your worried about?"

Irma nodded and signed and spoke softly back to her new friend, 

"My brother is in Gryffindor and a friend of mine is in Hufflepuff. You?"

"My dear friend, Amalia is in Hufflepuff  along with our little 'pure blood' friend Yugo. My..boyfriend is in Gryffindor while two other friends of mine are in Slytherin with two of our little groups enemies."

Irma laughed quietly and signed that she understood how Eva felt.  Eva laughed alongside Irma and made simple, light conversation with her until they both grew to tired to continue.

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